Late Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019
Does anyone know what this plant is called?

Do you have a photo of the whole plant?

Do you have a photo of the whole plant?

Do you have a photo of the whole plant?
No, I don’t! I actually took this photo a few years ago and haven’t seen the same plant again!

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@ausgardentags ⬆️⬆️

@annettenoosa thoughts?

@Chelseaw no, sorry @ausgardentags
Early Summer 2019
Help me identify this plant

@brightcolours just looked that up and I’d say so! Thank you 🤗

#armeria #thrift

Divided easily.
@brightcolours I went to my local nursery today and was able to ask for them with the name you gave - they have them in stock 🤗 going to mix these and another few along our fence line and hopefully they are happy there!
Chrysocephalum - yellow buttons, are what I’m thinking about pairing them with!

Will be a nice mix of foliage, colours and shapes.
@brightcolours I’m hoping 🤞🏼 and also hoping they survive the tassie frost!!

The thrift definitely should!!
Growing in my front yard... poisonous or harmless?
#fungus #inmyhand
Unable to tell you if they are poisonous. However, fungus is beneficial to the garden. Connecting to many plants and providing beneficial nutrients.