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I’ve been a Gardener/Landscape designer in zone 6 for more than 30 years. I garden indoors and out!
@macro This is my Norfolk Island Pine from a seriously close perspective!!
How big is your norfolk island pine
@kelsey92 it’s about 4 1/2 feet tall. It’s in a 7 gallon pot. We’ve had it forever, it was about 12” tall when we got it.
Check mine out.
Very cool Marco pic, Cherie
Thanks @txgarderner!
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@macro This is my Norfolk Island Pine from a seriously close perspective!!
How big is your norfolk island pine
@kelsey92 it’s about 4 1/2 feet tall. It’s in a 7 gallon pot. We’ve had it forever, it was about 12” tall when we got it.
Check mine out.
Very cool Marco pic, Cherie
Thanks @txgarderner!