Catalpa bignonioides syn.Catalpa catalpa, Catalpa syringaefolia
Indian Bean Tree
Mid Summer 2015
- 11
Mid Summer 2015
- 1

Catalpa bignonioides syn.Catalpa catalpa, Catalpa syringaefolia
Mid Summer 2015
Mid Summer 2015

Help me identify this plant
This was the flower of the mysterious tree!
Still a mystery to me I'm afraid! How about @martindodd @driftwood @richard.spicer.7906 @junebensted @linfoster @cjh123 have a look and see what they think?
Hi @clarkey231 , looking at the flowers, and the distinct heart shaped leaves, i would say this is an Indian Bean Tree (Catalpa bignonioides) - flowers are very orchid like, amazing! They should soon be followed by londer bean seed pods!
Looks like it's in the database already so I've linked it for you. Tagging @justin @linfoster in case they want to see what it is too 😀
(Londer? Typo - i meant 'long')
Thanks very much, been bugging us for ages!
What a legend 👏👏👏 nice one Rich 🙌👍 @richard.spicer.7906
It is stunning! Cannot say that i have ever seen it before!
Wish i got closer because the detail in the flower is amazing.
I will try although i have never seen any seed pods.