Fuchsia (Half Hardy)
Fuchsia (Half-Hardy)
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2016
- 7
Mid Summer 2016
- 8

Fuchsia (Half Hardy)
Late Summer 2018
Early Autumn 2017

Fuchsia finally recovered and flowering again after being hit back hard by this year's late spring frost.
Early Autumn 2016

Fuchsias are always good for some autumn flowers 😊

They are 🤗


Yes! I still have loads of them that make me cheerful!



Use to have a couple until one year the frost got them. They are lovely like little Xmas lights!💖
Mid Summer 2016

Good morning GTagers, I think this might be Fuchsia ' Mrs Popple' but not quite sure 🤔.

Morning! It looks like her 👍 Always loved that name, makes me chuckle. I wonder who Mrs Popple was?

I reckon Mrs popple was tall and skinny 😊 I was going to say if she was a miss?? A headteacher maybe from a long time ago

^I totally buy that story 👍

I think she may also have worn a red bonnet and had a purplish complection from too many sherries 😀

Good morning @cottagegardendave I think you have hit the nail on the head with your comment of who Mrs popple was 😂😂 👍

Gorgeous 😀

Good morning Gtagers 😊.
Good morning from Oz !