Bryophyllum Delagoense
Kalanchoe 'Mother Of Millions'
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 9

Bryophyllum Delagoense
Late Spring 2021
Late Spring 2021

This has tons of babies around the leaves😃 #kalanchoe #motherofmillions
Early Spring 2021

Loving how this is looking🌿 #motherofmillions #kalanchoe

Lovely! 🌸

@mehul22 Thanks Mehul😊
Early Spring 2021

New babies are enjoying the new grow lights #motherofmillions
Late Winter 2021

My Mother of Millions is growing nicely🌿 #kalanchoe

Great looking plant. Wondering 🤔how is this one different from mother of a thousand? (If there is a difference) more babies😅interesting

@crabby58 Thanks😊I'm not sure but it could be them babies🤣

@crabby58 the names are pretty much slapped randomly onto any of the kalanchoes that produce plantlets on the edges of the leaves, and if you try to look it up online then you'll find lots of contradicting info on which is which. Most frequently Kalanchoe laetivirens is referred to as mother of thousands and Kalanchoe daigremontiana as mother of millions (btw I'm sending you some of both), but it's best not to hang your hat on either of those common names!

p.s. My experience has been that k. laetivirens actually produces more babies, so the names seem backwards to me. 🤷🏻♀️

Thanks so much, such a neat plant😘 @beatnikcrab

@beatnikcrab I was helping my brother get some water lettuce for his pond(It grows crazy in our canals) and found these growing on the canal bank. It's crazy but this is the second type of Kalanchoe I have found growing wild around here. The other is Kalanchoe Pinnata😀

Wow, awesome finds!! Free plants are the best plants! Iirc one of my plant friends in FL told me once that one of the plantlet-producing kalanchoes is actually classified as an invasive species in the state. I guess it's the perfect environment for them to self-propgate and take over! So you're actually doing an ecological service by collecting and containing them! 👏👏👏😁

I had these growing in a pot in New York and they would drop to the ground and grow there. I wouldn’t dare plant these in Vegas. I have some in a small pot and try to keep them small in New York. 🌞
A closer pic😃 #kalanchoe #motherofmillions