Clerodendrum thomsoniae
Bleeding Heart Vine
- Mid Winter 2022
- 27
- 9
- Early Winter 2022
- 21
- 4
- Late Autumn 2021
- 23
- 2
- Late Autumn 2021
- 20
- 3
- Late Summer 2021
- 25
- 5
Clerodendrum thomsoniae
- Mid Winter 2022
- 27
- Early Winter 2022
- 21
Getting loads of flowers❤ #bleedingheartvine
Such pretty flowers ❤️😍
@gjones @hkyfvr Thank you both. It was grown from a cutting and has gotten huge. These pretty flowers are starting to cover it and it looks great😃
Very welcome Kyle ❤️
- Late Autumn 2021
- 23
Here is a pic of the flowers and buds. I love all the color😀 #bleedingheartvine #decemberblooms
@gjones Thanks so much. It's exciting to finally see flowers💕
- Late Autumn 2021
- 20
I haven't updated this in a while. Since last update it has been repotted and I made a trellis out of chicken wire fencing. It has grown so fast and has started flowering😀 #bleedingheartvine
This is one on my #wishlist
@novicegardenlover I thought of you when I posted this. It is definitely a cool plant to have😃
- Late Summer 2021
- 25
I have been admiring my brothers bleeding heart vine for a while now so he gave me some cuttings. They are growing very fast😃 #bleedingheartvine #grownfromcuttings
I hope to get one of these. My Grannie used to have one when I was a child. Not as popular here nowadays.
@novicegardenlover When they bloom they look amazing. My brother has his trellised over an arch that you walk through to get in his yard. It looks beautiful😃
That must be a lovely sight. Due to limited space, I hope to have one kept like a shrub.
@novicegardenlover I think it would look great as a shrub😃
I love these flowers. They are so bright😃 #bleedingheartvine #bestofjanuary #grownfromcuttings
How pretty! Ive tried a couple of times growing these beauty's but with no success.
@gjones @txgardener Thank you both so much. My brother has a massive one and his wife knew I loved it so she brought me some cuttings. It has grown so fast and is nearly 6 feet tall now😊
They are so pretty. 😍😍
Very nice! 👌🏼
Splendid pic. I should finally be getting one of these soon. Woohoo.
Splendid pic. I should finally be getting one of these soon. Woohoo.
Wow!! This one is going on the wishlist!!! So pretty 🤩
@hkyfvr @richard.spicer.7906 @novicegardenlover @cheriej Thank you all. This is definitely a favorite of mine😃