Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
African Violet
Late Autumn 2021
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Late Autumn 2021
- 6
Early Autumn 2021
- 3
Early Autumn 2021
- 10
Early Autumn 2021
- 7
Late Spring 2021
- 8
Late Spring 2021
- 1
Late Spring 2021
- 2
Mid Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 3
Early Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Late Winter 2021
- 8
Mid Winter 2021
- 12
Mid Winter 2021
- 16

Streptocarpus sect. Saintpaulia syn. Saintpaulia
Late Autumn 2021
Late Autumn 2021

A leaf from my #african-violet has #roots 😃time to put her in a pot👍 11.21.21

That's exciting 🙂

Thank you @charlotte not sure which color she will produce either pink or purple🤞🤞🤞we shall see.

Fantastic Thelma. After seeing yours I checked mine and the two leaves both have roots. Very exciting. Posted mine too. Thanks for posting yours. Got me to check mine. 👍👍😍😍

That's great👍Diane, so happy for you @hkyfvr

Thanks so much Thelma 😍
Early Autumn 2021

Very pleased I got these to bloom again👍🌸💗 #octoberblooms #african-violet 10.18.21

So pretty 💖💘

Thank you @juliesgarden happy I gave these another try😘 I found the secret, bottom water only👍🌸
Early Autumn 2021

💗my #african-violet has #finally-bloomed again 🥰 #octoberblooms #pink 💗 10.13.21

#greatcolor #succulent

She’s a beauty

Fantastic blooms. So happy for you. Love the colours. 👍👍💗🤍💗

So pretty💕

Such pretty little flowers 💖💖💖

Thank you everyone😍so happy I was successful in getting these to bloom for me #first-for-me🌸 @emch @rudester1 @hkyfvr @cowdenkyle @kez001uk

Beautiful 🌸

Always welcome. Great job 💗🤍💗

Thank you 🤗 @juliesgarden @hkyfvr
Early Autumn 2021

Happy Happy to see flower #buds pretty #veiny leaves #patientlywaiting 🤞🌸🤞

Looking good 👍🌸👍

Thanks,Diane, really hoping they flower, haven't had any bloom, except when I bought it, I've been feeding them miracle-grow blooming house plant food mixed in the rain water🤞🤞 @hkyfvr

I am sure they will do fine and bloom beautifully very soon. Mine are just finished blooming. The blooms lasted a while. I found African Violet liquid plant food works well. Yours is probably fine though. All my violets are together and somehow they got a mealy bug infestation. All three of them. I treated them and they seem better. I did lose one though. The bugs were hard to see on the violets as they were way in on the stems and the leaves block your view. They are prone to this bug 🙁

Sorry to hear that. Glad the other 2 are doing better. The liquid plant food says it's for African violets as well as other flowering plants, I even used it on my hibiscus and also on my Thanksgiving cactus👍thank you @hkyfvr

Must try it on my hibiscus and thanksgiving cactus too. Thanks. 👍👍😊

Very welcome😁 @hkyfvr
Late Spring 2021

Yay 🙌 I have roots, from 2months in water 6.19.21


Wow that’s great. 👍 Tried mine in soil and it did not root. May try your method. Just need patience 💚

Takes lots of patience😁that's for sure, I kept changing the water once a week with rain water💦cut stem at 45°angle and made a small slice up the stem and lots of patience😃happy it worked for me, never tried it before @novicegardenlover @hkyfvr

Great job. I think I would have given up. Patience is not my strength I’m afraid. Will try this though. 👍😍

Thank you, Diane, I just put them on the kitchen window sill and kept an eye on the water level to make sure the end of the stem stayed in my tiny glass that I had them in😊I was determined to see if I could grow from a stem👍 @hkyfvr I'd bet you could too😍

Always welcome Thelma. Am definitely going to try this. Thanks 👍😍

Might be worth trying on a begonia. Hmm.
Late Spring 2021

#african-violet-propagation 2 months in #water-rooting 👍 happy to finally see roots😍 #first-time-for-me
Late Spring 2021
Mid Spring 2021

#africanviolet #texture #waitingforbuds 💗
Early Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

#africanviolet #newgrowth 4.8.21
Late Winter 2021

#africanviolet #friendship #primrose #thanksgivingcactus 💘

They all look fab😊

Thank you😃Kyle @cowdenkyle

They are beautiful together. All so pretty. 👍😍

What a nice combo Thelma 🤩

Thank you😃 Diane and Phil, much appreciated @hkyfvr @philstalder

Always welcome Thelma 💖😍

Plentiful flowers!💕🌞
Mid Winter 2021

This is my #bestoffebruary #prettyinpink #februaryflowers 🌸 2.19.21

Wow very nice 👍

Thank you Phil, I haven't had much luck with these in the past so trying again. 🤞🤞🤞 @philstalder

You’re welcome Thelma. The exact reason I don’t get them. I remember my mom had them when I was young and she bought all these contraptions, lights and fertilizer to keep them alive to no avail. Good luck 🍀😊

😊thank you @philstalder I've been reading up on how to care for them, so we shall see 😊🤞🤞

I waved my magic wand. They will do spectacular for you. 😁

That's sweet of you, thank you @philstalder

I have since sat them on a pebble covered tray with a little rain water to give them humidity and water from the bottom👍🤞🤞 @philstalder

Sounds like you are doing the right things. I bought some African violet fertilizer to help mine bloom again. It will take me years to use it up. I only have 3 violets. First ones I have not killed. Best of luck Thelma. 👍💕

I haven't gotten any yet.hoping I can hold out another month, then we will be fully vaccinated and feel safer to go to Lowe's or home depot(still wearing a mask also) to pick some up🤞🤞 @hkyfvr

I have only been to local grocery store and pharmacy. We are way behind on vaccines as Pfizer order was delayed to Canada. Not sure when we will get ours. My husband is just over 70 and has heart problem and other issues. Hopefully before summer. 🤞💕

That's only place we go is our local grocery and pharmacy all in one store. Our second vaccine was delayed also. Hoping you both get yours soon. 🙏
Mid Winter 2021

New addition today 🌸(trying my luck again) with this pretty one found at local grocery store for $2.99😃on sale 2.16.21 #viewfromabove #africanviolet any tips would be much appreciated👍

I lurve this #greatcolor

Love the two tone flowers 🌸

It is so very pretty. You will do great. I have always had troubles with these but now mine look terrific. Love the pink and white. 🌸🌸🤍

Never water from above or get the leaves wet.

So so beautiful 😍

Great😃 thank you, everyone👍 @KariSamuel @hkyfvr @richard.spicer.7906 @emch I've had these years ago and they always died on me, but, decided to try again, after seeing all of yours on here😍 they are so pretty.

Thank you 🌸 @hebelover

Wow, very pretty

Thank you 💗 @lesliecole49 hoping I have good luck with it and don't kill it🤞🤞

So pretty 💞

Thank you 💕 @anges
Second #favorite #bestofnovember. #african-violets 💟🌸 11.30.21
So pretty 😍 Love them
Thank you so much, @hebelover @gjones took me a while to figure these out😃😍
Lovely colours 💜💗
Thank you 😊 @hkyfvr rewarding when these bloom👍
Very welcome. It sure is 😍