Primula 'Wanda'
Primrose 'Wanda'
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 4
Late Winter 2019
- 0
Late Winter 2019
- 1

Primula 'Wanda'
Late Spring 2019
Late Spring 2019

Goodmorning #primrose keeps blooming ❤🤞
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Good morning everyone. I need some #advice for my #primrose. It has bloomed again incredibly well but the blooms start to die very soon. They seem like burnt from the sun. Is it normal? Do they last so little or am I doing something wrong? #help !!

The sun will burn primrose crassula, so you'll want to keep it out of direct sun, primrose vary from plant to plant about the length of time the bloom lasts, some a very long time and some very short, you may just have a short lived one 🤔💘😍

Thank you @ShelleySnyder !! I was just reading that primroses are primarily outdoors plants and that indoors they don't really thrive and they only bloom once.. looking at how my primrose was a couple of months ago, I'm really grateful that it has boomed again kept as a houseplant. It is in a windowsill that never gets direct sun and at least I try to keep it always well watered during dry spells.. maybe indeed my variety is short blooming...

Oh, I didn't know It was a house plant, yes blooming is much harder inside so I guess you done real good!!👏👏💘😍

Yes only indoors @ShelleySnyder, on the one hand there is not much space in the balcony, on the other hand, I'm not sure what would survive #zurich climate, apart from the incredible #japanesemaple, #acer ,which in the winter seems completely dead but then in spring it's like a dream... so anyway.. I'm focusing mostly on indoor plants for the last 5-6 years.. maybe once I become a seasoned "indoors gardener" I will attempt to grow something small in the balcony..

Oh the Acer's are magnificent! Take a look at mine and you can get very small ones for small spaces! For sure you will become an expert! It just takes a little while!💘😍

Thank you @ShelleySnyder 😍😍😍
Mid Spring 2019

#primrose 😍
Early Spring 2019

New #bloom
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019

Help me identify this plant