Aeonium Sunburst cristata
Aeonium 'Sunburst' Crested
Mid Autumn 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 16
Late Winter 2021
- 1

Aeonium Sunburst cristata
Mid Autumn 2021
Early Spring 2021

My crested Aeonium Sunburst is getting bigger and bushier. I started off 1 crest and now it grew into a large crest and have crested off shoots in 3 years time. 🙌🏼 ❤️ #aeoniumsunburstcrested #aeoniumsunburst #cherrysgarden

Wow it looks huge and beautiful💚

@cowdenkyle it is completely covered with crested foliage all around. I’m going to propagate a couple of them

That sounds like a great idea😊

Holy Smokes Cherry. What a gorgeous beast u have. I just bought one of these a couple months back. I sure hope mine looks half as good as urs some day. Any tips or advice for me?

@txgardener plant them on the ground with well draining soil in morning sun and afternoon shade. Water once a week and less watering in summer.

Wow! So stunning!

Thank you for the tips :) Definitely will use them 👍

@txgardener your welcome. Goodluck I hope yours grow big also

thanks @aclayboy I went to my friends nursery Friday I bought my plant from him and showed him this picture.

Thanks! i sure do hope so.

That’s gorgeous!!
Late Winter 2021

Here’s my giant monstrous #aeoniumsunburstcrested #aeoniumsunburst #aeonium #succulentsunday #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #crested #urbangardening #cherrysgarden
I repotted my crested #aeonium-sunburst that was planted on the ground in my front yard to a 12 inch pot because a couple of strangers has been eyeing 👁 on the plant. So I took it out and replaced it with a much smaller one 😂 I was afraid they might steal it. Stealing plants in my nearby neighborhood has been pretty common. #aeonium-sunburstcrested #crested #succulent #aeonium
@gjones this is half of the original plant a lot of the pieces have broken off because it was to big for myself to carry and transfer to the pot.