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Zone 9B * IG account: @succiebaby * FB Page: SuccieBaby Succulent Jungle * Succulent/cactus/Hoya/house plant/herbs enthusiast.
I can’t believe how much this #echeveriacante baby have grown in a year. I left and ignored this beauty on the side of my house. #echeveria #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #thrives-on-neglect #pottedplant #urbangardening #cherrysgarden #farina
One of my favourites and yours is just lovely. 😍
Not perfect but still amazing
@docthrill nowhere near perfect.
Check the white farina on #echeveriacante #echeveria-cante #echeveria #succulent #succulentgarden #succulove #crazyplantlady #plantmakespeoplehappy
Can any leaves be this #trueblue or is it a trick of the light?
Select an appropriate option
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I can’t believe how much this #echeveriacante baby have grown in a year. I left and ignored this beauty on the side of my house. #echeveria #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #thrives-on-neglect #pottedplant #urbangardening #cherrysgarden #farina
One of my favourites and yours is just lovely. 😍
Not perfect but still amazing
@docthrill nowhere near perfect.