Echeveria Derenbergii
Echeveria 'Derenbergi
Early Winter 2023
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Early Winter 2023
- 5
Late Autumn 2022
- 1
Late Autumn 2022
- 3
Late Summer 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2022
- 2
Late Winter 2022
- 5
Early Winter 2022
- 3
Early Winter 2022
- 7
Mid Autumn 2021
- 3
Late Summer 2021
- 3
Mid Summer 2021
- 8
Early Summer 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 7
Early Spring 2021
- 7
Late Winter 2021
- 12
Late Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Mid Autumn 2020
- 1
Early Spring 2020
- 2

Echeveria Derenbergii
Early Winter 2023
Early Winter 2023

My #echeveriaderenbergii is completely damage from all the rain we have in Northern California. The leaves are soggy and moldy. I might have to take take this plant apart and start all over again. Say goodbye to this beautiful #cluster 😭 #echeveria #succulent #succulentlove #succulove

Oh no! 😭😟

Oh heavens no... that is horrible. Save what you can because if anyone can save it, it's you! 🙏🤞

@KariSamuel I’m so afraid to check on all my succulents under its plastic covering. I know most of them didn’t get wet because I covered them but the moisture and not getting any sun 3-4 weeks straight can create a lot of damage. We have sunny forecast for awhile but it’s supposed to be on the low 30’s which is not good. From wet to now freezing cold for succulents way below normal temperatures. 🥶

Oy... the trials we go through as gardeners! 🤦♀️
Late Autumn 2022

Another angle or close up of #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria-derenbergii #cluster #succulent #bestofnovember
Late Autumn 2022

The pot is almost completely covered. Should I continue letting it grow or start propagating and start a new pot, or should I repot to a much bigger pot. #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria-derenbergii #echeveria #bestofnovember #succulent

@gjones I have to repot it late spring or summer when plant is no longer dormant and had finished flowering.

Me too @gjones
Late Summer 2022

You could hardly see the pot anymore #echeveria-derenbergii #succulent #succulove #echeveria #succulents #plant #prolific
Early Spring 2022
Late Winter 2022

I started this pot with only 1 head of #echeveriaderenbergii years ago and now I can’t even count how many clusters of head it has. #echeveria-derenbergii #succulentsunday #blessed #peace 🇺🇦 ☮️ ❤️



Wow that’s amazing 🤩

Thank you @emch @drumadixit @gjones @philstalder keeping a healthy stem and away from moisture is the key. The nice thing about this plant is that mealybugs and aphids doesn’t like it as much.
Early Winter 2022

Reposting this #echeveria-derenbergii because this beautiful cluster will be featured at World of Succulent website soon. I won’t post the same photo here but you can check World of Succulent Facebook account to see the picture that will be on their website. Horrray for this plant 🪴 #echeveria-derenbergii #echeveria #succulent


Fantastic 👍👍
Early Winter 2022

This #echeveria-derenbergii is insanely gorgeous #perfection #echeveria #succulent #cluster

No argument here! #fabboo

It really is 🌞

Oh yes!

Crazzzzy beautiful!

Absolutely amazing. 😍😍

@hkyfvr @KariSamuel @gjones @novicegardenlover @sunlovin @emch Mother Nature is amazing 🤩
Mid Autumn 2021
Late Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2021

So much growth on my #prolific grower #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria-derenbergii #echeveria #succulent

That is beautiful💚

Gorgeous 😻 @dadayba


@crabby58 thank you 💚

@alysha thanks so easy to care for.

@emch thanks

@gjones this plant keeps pushing babies
Early Summer 2021

More growth on the #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria-derenbergii #echeveria #succulent

@gjones thanks if you press on the picture and swipe you see the growth progress of this plant. What a deference

Perfect photo for #foliagefriday

That is Gorgeous💚

@crabby58 @emch thank you
Mid Spring 2021

The dried flowers are gone. She can now focus on growing. #growbabygrow #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveriapaintedlady

Lovely the way it spills over. 🌞

This is a 4 years old plant. @sunlovin

I figured. I had one once about that old that did that. Brought back memories. 💕🌞

@sunlovin this is a great succulent plant to have especially for starters because it doesn’t require a lot of attention
Mid Spring 2021

The most prolific succulent grower award goes to Echeveria Derenbergi. I started of with 1 rosette #echeveriaderenbergii #succulentflowers #echeveriapaintedlady

She's so gorgeous💚love the flowers💗

That's amazing😍

@gjones @crabby58 I forgot to take pictures of it 2 weeks ago when most of the flowers are in bloom, so I took them yesterday. Today, the flowers comes off so the plant can focus on growing 🌸 💐 😂

@cowdenkyle the plant started with 1 rosette with 2 offshoot babies. And now they are dangling off the pot. 😂❤️


@teresacowden6 thank you
Early Spring 2021

Here comes the #blooms #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria #succulent #succulentsunday #succulentlove #cherrysgarden #succulentflowers #cactusbloom #cactusflowers #succulentflowers #succulentblooms

Oh wow, that’s a nice one 🤩

@philstalder swipe to see the flowers from a year ago

Thanks I’m going to be on the lookout for that one. 😍

@philstalder it’s a very common plant so you should be able to find it in no time

Ok thanks. I might have one bc I have so many and I forget the names of all of them. Lost most of the labels.

I good at forgetting labels also so I started writing them on the bottom of the pots. 😂
Late Winter 2021

She is a baby factory. #succulentsunday #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria #clusters #succulentflowers #succulent #cherrysgarden #urbangardening


This is a real stunner!

Beautiful babies💕

@pooh4jvn thanks. This is all from 1 single head, a few years ago

@dadaybe you definitely live in prime succulent microclimate!

Nice one. 👍

Beautiful 😍🌟

@crabby58 thanks

@pooh4jvn I think so too. But every now and then I get succulents that doesn’t do well with me 😂

Thanks @philstalder and @hkyfvr

Always welcome 💖
Late Winter 2021

Overflowing from its pot and getting ready to flower. #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria #succulentsunday #succulent #cherrysgarden #urbangardening #pottedplants
Early Winter 2021

#echeveriaderenbergii is blushing and getting ready to bloom and starting to push some babies. #echeveria #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #urbangardening #pottedplants #cherrysgarden
Mid Autumn 2020

She is such a prolific grower. She was a single rosette when I bought her and now there’s multiple mamas and babies, well done. I think I’m going to repot her to a bigger pot end of winter. #echeveriaderenbergii #echeveria #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #pottedplants #urbangardening #cherrysgarden
This is what’s left from the #echeveriaderenbergii #cluster #echeveria-derenbergii #succulent #succulentlove