Echeveria Pinky
Late Spring 2021
Early Spring 2021

Standing by its name #echeveriapinky #pink #pinksucculent #succulentsunday #succulent #urbangardening #cherrysgarden #succulentlove
Early Autumn 2020

#echeveriapinky love the icy hot color. #echeveria #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #cherrysgarden

#greatcolor -- every bit as blue as it is pink, without ever caving in and becoming lavender

@dadayba is "Pinky" the cultivar name? I would love to have one of these...

@emch that’s the name of the plant when I purchased it and this is a Korean imports

Hmmm. Looking up that cultivar brings up photos of numerous Echeverias that look nothing like yours!

@emch whenever you need to look for succulent info. Look on this website to get correct information.

That's great @dadayba -- TY!
Luminous pink colors #echeveriapinky