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Zone 9B * IG account: @succiebaby * FB Page: SuccieBaby Succulent Jungle * Succulent/cactus/Hoya/house plant/herbs enthusiast.
My variegated lemon, I can’t wait to try it out. #lemon #variegated-lemon
#yum #101uses
Pretty and interesting
@novicegardenlover first time having a variegated lemon. I’m hoping it does well on the ground
I'd never heard of one before. I hope it does well for you too.
Finally growing pink variegated Lemons 🍋 #pink #variegated-lemon #lemons #variegated
Firs time flowering for me. #variegated-lemon #lemon
New growth on my #variegated-lemon #foliagefriday The leaves a variegated pink. #lemon-meyer #gyo
I have one of these and surprisingly it made it through the freeze
@txgardener did it bear fruit for you yet?
That’s really cool 🥰 I almost got one and then they were sold out. But it’s not like I need more indoor plants right now 😂 @dadayba
No I've only had mine a year or so. The freeze knocked back and is growing up and out of the ground.
Planted a #lemon-pinkvariegatedEureka
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My variegated lemon, I can’t wait to try it out. #lemon #variegated-lemon
#yum #101uses
Pretty and interesting
@novicegardenlover first time having a variegated lemon. I’m hoping it does well on the ground
I'd never heard of one before. I hope it does well for you too.