Senecio rowleyanus variegata
String of Pearls
Late Winter 2023
- 1
Late Autumn 2022
- 4
Early Spring 2021
- 8
Mid Winter 2021
- 3
Mid Winter 2021
- 2
Mid Winter 2021
- 4
Mid Spring 2020
- 1

Senecio rowleyanus variegata
Late Winter 2023
Late Autumn 2022

String of pearls hanging underneath the pergola. #stringofpearls #lookingup

Great pic!

@lesliecole49 thanks

@gjones that’s what I see if I’m standing directly below it
Early Spring 2021

Every now and then I take my #stringofpearls down to check the pot. This is what’s on the pot. I’m so happy that they look healthy, dense and compact. #seneciorowleyanus #sop #succulent #cherrysgarden #trailing

#seneciocanlooklikeanything -- even a big bowl of peas

@emch let’s eat 😂

Looks great! 🌞

I love it when it’s nice and compact @sunlovin

Me too. I just bought one so I’ll see how well it does. I divided it though in case it didn’t like one area, so it’s not very full now. 🌞

@sunlovin keep it in area with indirect sunlight outside. Keep looping the strings in the pot press it lightly down with your hand to encourage beads to settle in that area until it become compact. When you have a compact pot, you have a fuller strings coming down, and more offshoots will grow

@dadayba Thanks! Will try! 😊🌞
Mid Winter 2021

Another string of pearls #stringofpearlsvariegated #stringofpearls #curiorowleyanus #succulent #succulentlove #cherrysgarden

Love all your pots in the back....i have the blue paint bucket

@heatherdirtyhands thanks. I bought them at rite aide couple years ago. I hope they bring them back this year so I can get all the colors. I’m missing blue, orange and green I think. 😂
Mid Winter 2021
Mid Winter 2021

Looks like a SARS-Cov2 model doesn’t it? Nothing to laugh about our high number of cases here in California and families that have been affected by it. Prayers goes to all of us and hoping that we can rise above Covid19 and beat it. Stay safe, stay home and mask up and do your part everyone I know I am. 💉 😷 #stringofpearls #stringofpearlsflower #flower #succulent #succulentlove #succulove #cherrysgarden

Gorgeous photo

@txgardener have to take picture of this interesting flowers

Of course u do. It's beautifully captured.
Mid Spring 2020

#hangingplant #stringofpearlsvariegated #stringofpearls
#lookslikeitsname #stringofpearls-variegated #succulent #senecio-rowleyanus