@philstalder 😂 when my mom was alive she used to come to my garden and take some of my plant home home with her. Then when I visit my parents I see all of my plants she brought home with her 😂❤️
There’s so much debate on the name of this plant that’s #mondayblues for you 😂 . Hylostachys Blue Elf or Sedum Sunsparkler x Sedoro Blue Elf ppaf hey I love them both. #sedumsunsparklerxsedoroblueelf #sedumsunsparklerblueelf #hylostachysblueelf #hylostachys-blueelf #sedum-sunsparkler-xsedoro-blueelf
Growing like a carpet. If you look closely they look like eyes 👀 😂 #sedumsunsparklerblueelf #hylotelephium-sunsparklerblueelf #hylotelephium #sedum
Haha! I see it 😳🌞