Pennisetum setaceum 'Sky Rocket'
Fountain Grass 'Sky Rocket'
Late Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2018
- 14

Pennisetum setaceum 'Sky Rocket'
Late Summer 2019
Mid Summer 2018

Well chuffed with my new grasses. Won’t bore you with the rest 😂 just what the border needed 🥂 #grasses #border

That’s lovely! I’m in need of some grasses so this is in my wish list now 😂

@kez001uk it reminds me of my cats tale 😂 always wanted one!

I love grasses. I won't be bored.

@dan5584 😂 cute little tribute to her 😋 hope you post the other grasses you bought too 😁

@dan5584 they have fitted in purrfectly! 🐱💛

That's a lovely one 👌👌👌

Nice 😁

They do look attractive. There is a lovely purple one too. Be interested to see how they grow for you. I gave up on them as, hardy as they appear, the leaves always burnt in the hot and dry conditions in Oz. Might try them again in a shady spot where I have my ferns.🤔 Contrasting tecture and movement is very pretty.

@Annettenoosa a friend of mine said the exact same thing. Struggled to grow them and they seemed burnt all the time! Fingers crossed 🤞

Fab! I had seen the purple ones but wasn’t sure if they were hardy here and need winter protection

@richard.spicer.7906 I was the same. Although it does say hardy, I think it is “delicate hardy” 😂😂put her in amongst bushy plants so hoping that might give her a bit of protection through the winter!
Brrrrrrr!! It’s like we’ve changed seasons overnight! Loving all the texture clashes in the garden at the moment 💚 #grass #sedum #coneflower #foilage #border #september #yellow #pink
There’s a definite nip in the air 👋👋
Loving this :)
Gorgeous photo 💚 but the grass is 🤤