Cucurbita Maxima 'Jack O'Lantern'
Mid Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Wanted to grow some pumpkins for Halloween for the kids. Not sure how they will turn out as never grown before. Flowers appear to open for a few hours then collapse. I assume they self pollinate. Can I let all the fruits set that flower or is it best to restrict to two or three?

Hi, if you restrict the flowers to two or three, you'll grow bigger pumpkins. when they start growing, rest them on a bed of straw, prevents insect damage and stops them from rotting if the ground is wet. Also don't forget to keep watered well and feed frequently and you should end up with some beauties. Good luck. 😁

Thanks @bramblepie - advice much appreciated! 😊

You're welcome 😁

Just out of curiosity @bramblepie should I keep the flowers/fruits on the vine/s or the ones that come out of the centre? Or does it not matter? I have it in a growpot for feeding and watering ease and the centre ones don't look like they'll give me enough room to lay straw to rest on. Thanks again.
The pumpkins are plumping! After several failed germinations I have two that have taken. Hoping for a third but at least I'll have two for the kids by Halloween 👻. green thumbs and fingers crossed!