Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae syn. Euphorbia robbiae
Wood Spurge (Species) Mrs Robb's Bonnet
Late Winter 2016
- 10

Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae syn. Euphorbia robbiae
Late Winter 2016
Help me identify this plant - does anyone know what this is called please? I have been using this for ground cover under a cabbage palm. It's been great for the job as its a rampant spreader!! But I have no idea what it is. Thank you!
#foliage #groundcover
It's a variety or euphorbia / spurge by the looks of it
Looks like my stinking hellebores 🤔
Thanks @justin. The leaves look most like your wood spurge. But the leaves don't have that red shade. Are yours currently deep green with little green flowers?
It is Mrs Robb's Bonnet (Euphorbia amygdaloides subsp. robbiae).
Thank you Aaron, looks like you are spot on as always 😉 @tiggrx
#yellow #green
Yeah, Euphorbia. I had it in my garden, it's very attractive, but the smell was too overwhelming for my small garden, so I sadly got rid of it.
Very pretty. Definitely see in it before somewhere 🙂