Trachelospermum jasminoides
Star Jasmine
Late Spring 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2015
- 4
Early Summer 2015
- 3
Early Spring 2015
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 0
Mid Summer 2014
- 6

Trachelospermum jasminoides
Late Spring 2017
Early Summer 2015

Close up. Bit out of focus. Its good for identifying the flowers though. Its amazing how the petals are offset like one of those child's windmills!

I bet it has some amazing scent too in the early evenings.

Thats a Star Jasmine not True Jasmine... Different fower shapes Day...

Thanks @justin i've changed it 😊
Early Summer 2015

My jasmine is now in full bloom. I have two of these in the side garden and at dusk, the smell is incredible!

Are they quite hardy @David ? We have a honeysuckle and that smells lovely at dusk too.

They are not fussy about the soil @adam, mine are growing in what is pretty much rubble! But they do like full sun so a south/south west facing wall is best. Out of the wind too as they are heavy, so can fall down in a gail. But dont worry about frost as the are climbers with pretty deep roots. The smell is knock-out though! Be interested to know what the honey suckle/jasmine blend will smell like!!
Early Spring 2015
Mid Summer 2014
Mid Summer 2014

@kathy Mum any idea what's wrong with my Jasmine?! We have two and one is a vibrant green the other is dark green with this black residue :-(

Could be tomato blight or spotted wilt

Thanks @kathy any idea how I cure it? Is it terminal???!

Not sure dar I say consult sh------

@kathy I have reported that comment as "abuse"!!

Well good morning #Jasmin! Looking forward to enjoying the scent of these in the evenings from now on! #white #scented