Echeveria Dick's Pink
Echeveria 'Dick's Pink'
Mid Winter 2020
- 0
Late Spring 2019
- 2
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 0
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 4
Late Autumn 2018
- 8
Late Autumn 2018
- 3
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 1

Echeveria Dick's Pink
Mid Winter 2020
Mid Spring 2019

Sun is hot today #succulentsunday
Late Winter 2019
Late Winter 2019

Its come a long way #progressphoto
Mid Winter 2019
Late Autumn 2018

@ohhyouknow this is the whole plant. It's pretty much just the outer leaves. You think it still looks like sunburn too? Idk what to do. Ty for your help btw

You see how the lower/oldest leaves are kinda yellowish but not overwatered looking or anything? You’ll notice that lots of “old” succulents have more yellow colored bottom leaves. That’s bc as the leaves age, they produce less chlorophyll. The yellow color that the leaves take on is a result of the same pigment (carotenoids) that causes variegated plants to have that yellow color. Variegated plants can be very sensitive to sunburn because they don’t have the same protections that chlorophyll

laden plants have. The bottom leaves on this guy are old, have less chlorophyll, and are more susceptible to burning too in theory.

@ohhyouknow that makes sense. So do you think I should move him back to shade? Or let it adjust. I really thought it would be pretty in my rock garden but I want it to be healthy

I think the new growth looks awesome. The bottom leaves will eventually be absorbed and the “new” bottom leaves will be better adjusted to the more intense light. It looks very happy and I think will be healthy and happy in your rock garden. It’s just a waiting game for those bottom leaves to go. Leaving them on and just waiting for them to go naturally I think will be the best thing for this guy but if you hate the way they look you could always remove them.

@ohhyouknow thanks a lot for your help😁 I feel resolved about it. I think ill leave it to grow out and and just keep an eye on it.

Your welcome! It looks great already I can't wait to see what it looks like in time. 😊

My either. Its been a problem child for a while this is the best its looked so far lol
Late Autumn 2018

Is it scale or edema?

I think this is sunburn. The deep hole looks a lot like there was some water pooled up that magnified the light and caused a deep burn. The little spots also look like sunburn.

Ive gotten I different answer from everyone I ask lol. Idk what to do. I've just moved it from the back patio to my front garden so it gets morning light with afternoon shade that could explain why it's seemed to get worse but ive noticed these spots for a few weeks now but they seemed like They were getting better until now. I dont know how to make this one happy.
Late Autumn 2018

Can't tell if this is edema or scale. Seemed to be doing better but now it seems like its getting worse. What do you guys think?
Mid Autumn 2018

Love these!
Late Spring 2018

Help me identify this plant