Dianthus caryophyllus
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Winter 2020

Early flowering bought in the reduced section at morrisons
Early flowering bought in the reduced section at morrisons
My early flowering 50p carnation I bought in B and Q last year is flowering too. I thought it was pink..
Deborah are you sure it's a carnation? The leaves and flower looks very much like a camellia 🤔 @DeborahBanks
Hmm?.. I didnt think i put my red camellia there. Oh heck! It's very small though and covered in buds. I'll have a better look tomorrow when it's not blowing a gale. Thanks @jpea I think you are right though.
I agree I don’t think it’s a carnation Deb def more a Camellia 😁
The buds certainly look like carnation buds, and the silvery foliage. Pretty 😍
I'm so confused, Its too low growing to be a camellia and the only red camellia I have is lady Campbell and it's much bigger and the leaves are different. I'm back to thinking it's a carnation.
@DeborahBanks I’m with you 👍🏻
Beautiful 😊😊♥️♥️