Eranthis hyemalis
Winter Aconite
- Early Spring 2021
- 24
- 2
- Late Winter 2021
- 23
- 8
- Late Winter 2021
- 26
- 9
- Mid Winter 2021
- 14
- 4
- Late Summer 2020
- 9
- 0
Eranthis hyemalis
- Early Spring 2021
- 24
- Late Winter 2021
- 23
Come back Last weeks sunshine! I got caught in hail stones this morning, I was frozen when I got to work. My 2 garden obelisks and my rotary washing line are all on their sides. Anyway hurrah for the weekend again 🍷
Things are looking up weather wise next week 🤞
You've just reminded me - I noticed an Aconite bud the other day but forgot to see if it has opened yet - will check tomorrow! Have a lovely weekend 😃
I hope it stays that way, I have another full week at work, then some time off over the next 2 weeks. I've got lots to do @italydiva
I have some flower spotting to do to over the weekend @anges.
Mine haven’t sprouted yet ....yours look lovely with the sun on them
Keeping everything crossed Deborah 🤞☀️
- Late Winter 2021
- 26
Good morning everyone, the 🌝 is out already and today looks promising 😊 I underplanted the Kilmarnock willow with aconites. I'm definitely doing much better with my previous yellow flowers phobia 💛
Oh they look great now Deborah, hope most of them are up now for you. Fingers crossed they will self seed around 🤞🏼
Morning Deborah 🙋 I used to be like that with orange but I love it now 😍
I'm like that with yellow so last autumn I bought 3 bags of my daffs to challenge myself 😂
I think I’m over it now, I can see how much it brightens the garden up. In fact I’ve even ordered a yellow rose @ublaszko @pelly
😱😱😱 I have a yellow rose as well but I bought it before I knew I was allergic to yellow 😃
Afternoon, no sign of mine this year
Afternoon Jason, oh no! I haven't long bought these so I cheated. No signs of any of the little bulbs I planted. They are fickle little things. @hebelover
- Mid Winter 2021
- 14
Question please? I can't tell how deep these were planted. They don't have leaves but flower buds. Do you think this is too shallow? I'm guessing the bud should be above the ground? #advice
No idea, sorry. I'm going to plant some next year though. I only have snowdrops in flower at the moment as hellebores are still tightly packed in bud.
They look fine to me 👍🏼 Eranthis flowers appear first without true leaves. The outer parts of the bud develop into greener leaf like bracts but not true leaves and then the flower develops and opens. After flowering has finished, true leaves pop up from other parts of the tuber for a few weeks before dying back before summer starts.
Thanks @richard.spicer.7906 I found it quite confusing some were very short from bulb to bud, some a bit longer. Hopefully I'll have some flowers soon 🤞
- Late Summer 2020
- 9
My little in the green ones are coming up, I planted them a bit deep. It's head down until 5pm for me then I have 2 days hollybobs 😊🍷😊🥳🌷⚘🌱
Bet you can’t wait! 😀