Dracaena Sanderiana
Lucky Bamboo
- Early Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2019
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- Late Autumn 2019
- 12
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- Late Autumn 2019
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- Late Autumn 2019
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Dracaena Sanderiana
- Early Winter 2019
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- Early Winter 2019
- 7
Here are all the new pieces of bamboo. I used that pot for the bonsai I made haha so two birds one stone! 💪😍 #luckybamboo #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #heliostheaxolotl #axolotl #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoors #winter #aquarium #semiaquatic #semiaquaticplant
- Early Winter 2019
- 5
Was fortunate enough to be gifted a huge (used) 120 gallon tank and also got a bunch of new plants to put into Helios's tank. Got some lucky Bamboo (x8, only put 5 pieces in tank as remaining three are in quarantine), Ribbon plant (x3), and an El Niño fern. I'll post more pictures in a second! #luckybamboo #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #heliostheaxolotl #axolotl #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoors #winter #aquarium #semiaquatic #semiaquaticplant #aquaticplants
- Late Autumn 2019
- 12
He's so darn cute! #luckybamboo #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #heliostheaxolotl #axolotl #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoors #winter #aquarium #semiaquatic #semiaquaticplant #helios #heliostheaxolotl #petsofgardentags #pets
I love him!! Does he need certain living conditions? I thought they liked there water cold? Can't remember exactly
Yep cold temp and low water movement. @heatherdirtyhands
- Late Autumn 2019
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I mean he REALLY likes it 😂😂😂 #luckybamboo #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #heliostheaxolotl #axolotl #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoors #winter #aquarium #semiaquatic #semiaquaticplant #helios #heliostheaxolotl #petsofgardentags #pets
He really is! Axolotls are such incredibly creatures. Their genetics and seemingly endless regeneration abilities is what caused scientists to introduce GFP (green fluorescent protein, glows under UV) into the gene pool so they could use it to track Limb regeneration and certain tumors/cancers!!! @cyndi
My little boy is a Golden albino, I'm going to be getting a Wild (mostly black with flecks of green, gold, and brown), and a Lucy (white/super light pink, usually dark red gills, some reflective irridiphores but not much).
Yep!!! They lay eggs 🥰🥰 my baby is technically too young to sex. He may actually be a She! Which is why I only have one right now, I don't want accidentally babies (that I would have to cull because I don't have that kind of room). I have to wait for Helios to hit maturity before I can get another. They breed like crazy! @cyndi
Boys....drop just like human males 😂💀😂💀😂 they have cloacas so besides boys dropping a bit more than girls it's pretty hard to tell! Usually lighter colored axies (Golden, Lucy, albinos) will have tiny dark colored finger tips and darker axies (Mel's, wilds, coppers) will have tiny white finger tips! @cyndi I definitely could sell them but honestly it's a somewhat niche market. They require alot in terms of living conditions and not alot of pet owners do proper research before hand and will
Kill them out of ignorance or lack of care. @cyndi lots of people on FB always talk about getting rescues and it's horrifying to see how these rescues look. It'd break my heart to sell to someone who may just let my babies die painfully.
- Late Autumn 2019
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Helios really loves his bamboo bed 😂😂 #luckybamboo #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #heliostheaxolotl #axolotl #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoors #winter #aquarium #semiaquatic #semiaquaticplant #helios #heliostheaxolotl #petsofgardentags #pets
I feed Helios nightcrawlers, it's disgusting but it's totally worth it to see him eating! I love hand feeding him, mind you I use forceps to hold the worm tho 🤢😂 @cyndi
Right?! Haha worms are soooooo gross but with having a worm farm I could make worm tea and use the "used" soil for quality dirt! @cyndi I found a website that sells super small cute ones but they don't have a tray just for the tea. Which means I'd have to put alot more work into it! 🤢😂
#luckybamboo #plantedaquarium #plantedtank #heliostheaxolotl #axolotl #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #indoors #winter #aquarium #semiaquatic #semiaquaticplant
I had seen a tank once that had lucky bamboo fully submerged. Do you know if that's possible or does it do better semi?
It's best to do semi, they'll usually just rot if they don't have any above the water. @Jenny10
That's what I thought. Thanks. And I love seeing your pictures of Helios! He's so cute!
Thank you 🥰 @Jenny10