Ferocactus glaucescens
Blue Barrel Cactus
Early Autumn 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 6
Early Winter 2019
- 14
Mid Winter 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2017
- 2
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 1
Late Summer 2017
- 5

Ferocactus glaucescens
Early Autumn 2019
Late Spring 2019

Caught a #rainbow through a tiny #raindrop on my barrel baby 😍😂 #sharingiscaring #plantfriends #closeup #newgrowth #newgrowth #outdoorplant #outdoorgarden #outdoorgardening #outdoor #cactigarden #familyheirloom #cactus #cacti #closeup

Great photo 📸 👌

Thank you 😍😍 @Soph1e

Wow! That's incredible!


Thank you @Muzz67 😍
Early Winter 2019

I know it doesn't look like much but let me freaking tell you, NOTHING compares to getting cactus spines stabbed into your elbow. When moving stuff around yesterday I straight up slammed my elbow into my big ol' barrel cactus that's gotta be at least 25-30+ years old. So those spines are old and therefore the strongest, which means with as much force as this happened, those spines went into the tendon in my elbow pretty deep.. My pinky and ring finger are damn near 100% numb, especially after a

LONG day of typing on a keyboard. 💀💀💀 The things I put up with in the name of gardening and family plants 😂😂😂 #familyheirloom #cactus #cacti #newgrowth #closeup #growth #growlight #sharingiscaring #indoor #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #injured #accident

Ouch! That happened to me before but with a huge euphorbia lactea😂

They HURT like crazy. When I was younger, I was with my sister and my dads friend. We were in a sand rail, flying down the beach going down the dunes. Well we came upon a dune, that had nowhere to go except down into a jumping chills cactus patch. We all had pieces of those cactus everywhere. Stuck so badly in our skin. I had one on my neck and jaw. My sisters got it on their arms. Omg. We were so sore. The next day, we had big bruises. Never again did I go with anyone but me on a quad. @demeter

I hope you feel better. @demeterstouch 😄

@littlemorningglory @alysha you guys have some horror stories too 😂💀 what's ironic is when I was a little girl, my dad a barrel cactus exactly like this one except smaller and smaller needles. Well my mom was picking me up one day and I ran to greet her but tripped over the cactus and rolled over it. My parents spent that night plucking cactus needles outta my legs and butt 😂😂😂

Lol. Yet here we are growing them😜 @demeterstouch lmbo 🤣

Right?! @alysha

Thank you @cyndi I'm starting to feel better, still a bit numb but not nearly as painful. - @candycane2017 oh my word!!!! 😱😱😱😱 That's a thousand times worst. I HATE getting blood drawn (I pass out every time) so to have a cactus spine stab a vein 😵😵😵 I'd stop growing them if that happened 😂😂

I totally understand haha!! I'm that way with carnivorous plants, they could never do anything to cause me to stop loving them 😂😂 @candycane2017

Aww man its hurting isn't it

It's better now @jyotu but I definitely learned my lesson and will be more watchful next time 😂😂
Mid Winter 2018

Also added some soil to old man #familyheirloom #cactus #cacti #newgrowth #closeup #growth #growlight
Mid Autumn 2017

Found that the birdseed had spilled a bit into my cactus when it was outside. Come to find out a tiny Zinnia was growing behind my cactus! How crazy!! #seed #sprouts #closeup #seedling #seeds #seedlings #sowindoors #grow #growyourown #growing #growlight #grownfromseed #zinnia #cactus

Zinnias, snapdragons, and alyssum have been traveling around my garden. 😉
Early Autumn 2017

Terrible light for my old man but he really is doing so much better than he previously was. He's completely cleared from the spider mites, flesh has healed within reason, TONS of new spine growth! This transplant was much needed however, I feared that such a small pot would have eventually cause the weak spot (previously rotting bottom part) to snap. With the bigger pot I feel like it has more surface area to support himself. #familyheirloom #cactus #cacti #newgrowth #closeup #growth #growlight
Early Autumn 2017

#familyheirloom #cactus #cacti #autumn #leaves #leaf #closeup
Late Summer 2017

Inherited from my grandma who did not know how to properly care for it. Slowly bringing this old man back to full health

Hello Alexandria 👋 Thanks for posting your first photo. 👏 You can find other like-minded gardeners to follow by tapping on Discover and then "Popular" or "Recommended". If you need to reply to a user or just want to say "hello", simply @username an individual i.e. @teamgardentags and that person will get an alert in their profile. Finally, if you would like guidance on getting the most out of the app, please check out our tutorial videos: http://gardentags.com/Tutorials Enjoy using GT! 😃

What a cool inheritance! Family plants are wonderful. Welcome to GT's.

@lovestogarden thank you! Yes they are considering this cactus is roughly 20-25 years old ♥️♥️

#sharingiscaring #plantfriends #closeup #newgrowth #newgrowth #outdoorplant #outdoorgarden #outdoorgardening #outdoor #cactigarden #familyheirloom #cactus #cacti #closeup