Fatsia japonica syn. Aralia japonica
Japanese Aralia
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Mid Spring 2018
- 3
Mid Winter 2018
- 5
Late Autumn 2017
- 4
Mid Autumn 2017
- 6
Early Autumn 2017
- 28
Mid Spring 2017
- 1

Fatsia japonica syn. Aralia japonica
Early Autumn 2018
Early Autumn 2018

Have bought a baby one for the front garden, hope it does well as my other which is out back, the soils are very different! 🌿

I've got one as a houseplant, but not really doing much, do you think it would survive if I planted it outside now?

It's fine to plant it outside as long as you can make sure the soil doesn't dry out around the roots. It would be safer to wait for the spring though when it's not in active growth. @bluefox23

Ok I'll do it in spring. Not bothered if it fails as I've had it on my kitchen windowsill for more than 15 years and it's barely grown although does grow new leaves every now and again!! @ublaszko

It's the low light levels indoors that keep it from growing bigger. It does ok in hotel lobbies or office buildings because they have big floor to ceiling windows. Once you plant it outside it will start growing bigger, especially if it goes straight in the ground. In fact, I grow it outside in a container to keep it smaller ☺ @bluefox23

Oh I didn't realise they could be kept indoors! I really love mine, I hope this new one does ok. Thanks for watering reminder, it's so hot today! @bluefox23 @ublaszko
Mid Spring 2018

Fantastic freaky buds 👽👽👾👾👾👾👾👾

They do look like they are going to turn round and shout "feed me" 😂

😂 I'll mind my fingers @angiecrazycatlady
Mid Winter 2018
Late Autumn 2017
Mid Autumn 2017

Good morning all😀🌥 This is one of my favourites for it’s lovely leaves. It’s 3 years old and is flowering for the first time🤗 @jaynehynesburton @daisy-jane

Yours is further on than mine Denise, you are showing off now 😂 going to check mine in a while


Evening Denise I love these plants yours is looking great,wish mine was in flower but hopefully next year 😊👍

Thanks Jane, yes next year I’m sure. I didn’t even know they were supposed to flower when I first bought it 😀 @daisy-jane

Nice 👌 Mine is starting to show signs of flowering for the first time now 😊
Early Autumn 2017

1st flower buds 😀 @jayneburton Snap! Im trying to not look online to see what they’ll look like🙈

😁 I was waiting for mine to open and tag you and @daisy-jane I'm still waiting

I'm going to go out and check mine lol @jaynehynesburton atleast you have buds 😁😁😘👍

Report back Jane 😁 @daisy-jane

Can’t believe it!! I saw them when they were small but thought they were new leaf buds @jaynehynesburton @daisy-jane

I did at first Denise 😁

Evening ladies sorry to be reporting back so late,I had another mission 🕵 namely a ☕ at mum's and ended up having a good gossip lol,sad to report not a bud in sight on mine but it's still only a young plant so hopefully get some next year @jaynehynesburton 😁😘👍

Mine never flowered before Jane, maybe they only do it after a couple of years @daisy-jane 😘

Mine must be around the same ages as yours Jayne, I bought it as a baby 3 years ago from Homebase 😊 @jaynehynesburton @daisy-jane

I got mine from Homebase around 2 and a half years ago 😊

No way!😂 @jaynehynesburton

Yes it looked so healthy couldn't resist 😊
Mid Spring 2017

This baby really really enjoyed the ☔️ I hope that's all the rain for now! Good Morning all, suns breaking through 🌥
#foliagefriday 🌿🌿🌿