This one is struggling too, really needs our greenhouse @emch our begonias have improved when we got fish tanks, humidity is always above 60 percent inside
Got this one from my neighbor last November @philstalder it was almost dead 💀 with only 3 leaves. He knew I could save it, now it six leaves and only the 2 newest leaves are blue under picture flash. There quite green with the naked eye 👁 haven’t been posting till recently
Only some of the leaves look this color under camera flash #rainbowweek #blue
Wow 💙
I want one of these soooooo badly but the ones I have are struggling, so. #trueblue #begoniasaurusrex
This one is struggling too, really needs our greenhouse @emch our begonias have improved when we got fish tanks, humidity is always above 60 percent inside
@docthrill I just gave away my last fishtank so a co-worker could raise luck there 😪
Got this one from my neighbor last November @philstalder it was almost dead 💀 with only 3 leaves. He knew I could save it, now it six leaves and only the 2 newest leaves are blue under picture flash. There quite green with the naked eye 👁 haven’t been posting till recently
Oh ok that so cool. 🤩