Chamaedorea elegans
Early Winter 2022
Late Winter 2021

Chamaedorea Elegance, Sure doesn’t grow very fast, it’s almost 2 years old now and still only 11 inches tall. I really like that about it. I do have a very small garden space. #tropical

It might be little but it’s loud. Lol 😂

What’s funny about my garden is on the other side of that fence in the garden is a very busy loud street. Lol 😆 I get what you meant though @philstalder thanks 🙏 #buddy

Haha, i live close to a freeway. When I bought my house the real estate agent told me some people like the sound of traffic it Lulls them to sleep. Not this city slicker. I put in sound proof windows. Sleep like a baby now. 🤣
Cute little #palm, it’s 2 years old and still very small