Don’t think she’s going to flower this year. The smell so bad, you take pictures of their alien looking, beautiful flower, then you get rid of it. Unless you like the smell of death 💀
I’ve only had 1 flower on my first one but my dog Little Blue distorted it, tried to save it but it never recovered. Look it up, they don’t bloom very often. My flower was featured on GT a long time ago if you can find it @emch it was the reason I bought it, had a flower bud on it.
Just a little guy but will become something special among the #foliagefriday cannot wait for it to #bloom one day. One of #my-favorite #flowers you should look one up.
Don’t think she’s going to flower this year. The smell so bad, you take pictures of their alien looking, beautiful flower, then you get rid of it. Unless you like the smell of death 💀
I have never seen a bloom on one of these.
I’ve only had 1 flower on my first one but my dog Little Blue distorted it, tried to save it but it never recovered. Look it up, they don’t bloom very often. My flower was featured on GT a long time ago if you can find it @emch it was the reason I bought it, had a flower bud on it.