Schefflera arboricola
Dwarf Umbrella tree
- Mid Winter 2021
- 14
- 1
- Early Winter 2021
- 22
- 4
- Early Winter 2020
- 21
- 1
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 23
- 1
- Early Autumn 2020
- 25
- 2
Schefflera arboricola
- Mid Winter 2021
- 14
- Early Winter 2021
- 22
I like when the get #newgrowth a very beautiful plant #fromabove
For whatever reason, I cannot keep these alive!
Well @lesliecole491 every time I take it inside it looses leaves, but in the green house environment it thrives. So now I only bring it inside when we have company over. I love it that much.
That's kinda funny, really. They're such a pretty plant
- Early Winter 2020
- 21
One of our first plants we brought home and it was very small with about 6 leaf stalks. It’s come a long way and doesn’t disappoint
- Mid Autumn 2020
- 23
#newgrowth on my #umbrella-tree
- Early Autumn 2020
- 25
I put the #umbrella-tree in a bigger pot. Bought it very small a year ago and it’s coming along nicely
These are used in landscaping all over Orlando, most people plant them in a hedgerow!
Really #green and one of my first plants bought. I really like it a lot #tropical