Syzygium Jambos
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

Help me identify this #plantid I have a few that are growing these fruits but have no idea what it can be.. @brightcolours @bel

Hmm... @leisel @deekay @nej

It looks very much like a guava @brightcolours

@nej I do have some pink guavas trees but they don't have a big seed/nut inside like these do - also they have a perfumed scent, reminds me of lotion.. Hmm this baffles me 😁

Then maybe loquot if the seed is large and shiny

Mmmm...was thinking guava or possibly loquot too! One of life's mysteries lol @Doicee @nej

The leaf doesnt look like a loquat does it ? It has a large pip is that correct ? So it is not a persimmon. There is another fruit called longan but I think that is closer to lychee.

Feijo? No leaf looks little like a eugenia.

@deekay @leisel I'll get some other pictures. Definitely not a persimmon as I have one of those as well.. @deekay yes to what you said might look into the longan.. Sorry this is a bit difficult to identify lol

Maybe there are variations in the Loquat leaf ? Yours doesnt have the leathery coarse look that is more common ? Is there a membrane around the seed ?

Yellow sapote ? Canistel, Lucuma nervosa ?

#Jambos #syzygium #syzygiumjambos
This is inside it - The birds love them
@nej @leisel @deekay
Sorry I'm no help with this one 🤔
@nej @brightcolours @deekay @leisel I think I have found out what it could be - 'Syzygium jambos'. What do you think? 🤔
I think you've got it! Great researching Amanda @Doicee 👍👏👏
Good work Amanda 😁You have introduced us to a new one. There is an Id request with what I think is that plant with only the flower pictured. Have a look maybe you can Id it for him. Cheers 😀
@deekay I'll see if i can find it his @ Amanda Sean
Well done!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
#Jambos #syzygium #syzygiumjambos
Sean, does yours look similar? @tehbirdistehword
@brightcolours thank you - I have learnt a lot since I first became a member.