Capsicum Annuum 'Bhut Jolokia'
Chilli Pepper 'Bhut Jolokia'
Early Autumn 2022
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Late Summer 2022
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Capsicum Annuum 'Bhut Jolokia'
Early Autumn 2022
Late Summer 2022

Apparently I need to be careful with these ones 🔥 #hotpepper

@gjones That’s kind of where I was at until I looked it up and realized that it is also known as a #ghostpepper 🌶 My son informed me that it’s the second hottest pepper 😬 I went back to look at the seeds and they have a warning on the label.

@gjones Well, I have been planning on getting a dehydrator and thought about that for only one minute before deciding not to destroy a new dehydrator with hot peppers 😂 So I could put them in a jar with vinegar or something. It’s time to learn canning. I’m sure there’s a recipe somewhere. Now I’m scared to touch the plant without gloves. I have touched a jalapeño, washed my hands thoroughly, accidentally touched my eye, and it was on fire for 2 days. I can’t imagine what this can do.
#ghostpepper #hotpepper #hot 🔥