Ficus carica 'Chicago Hardy' syn. Ficus carica 'Chicago', Ficus carica 'Hardy Chicago'
Fig 'Chicago Hardy'
Early Winter 2024
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Late Spring 2023
- 1
Late Autumn 2022
- 2
Mid Autumn 2022
- 1
Mid Autumn 2022
- 3
Early Autumn 2022
- 4
Mid Summer 2022
- 1
Mid Summer 2022
- 2
Late Spring 2022
- 1
Late Winter 2022
- 1
Late Winter 2022
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 6
Late Autumn 2021
- 7
Mid Autumn 2021
- 6
Mid Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 8
Early Summer 2021
- 3
Late Summer 2020
- 18
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 3
Early Spring 2020
- 5
Late Summer 2019
- 1

Ficus carica 'Chicago Hardy' syn. Ficus carica 'Chicago', Ficus carica 'Hardy Chicago'
Early Winter 2024
Late Spring 2023

We have #life 😍🥳🥰 #survivedthewinter #figtree #fig-chicagohardy
Late Autumn 2022

So we get to see how hardy my #figtree is ❄️☃️😏 #fig-chicagohardy #chicagohardyfigtree #snow #snowfigs

I thought about wrapping it with insulation and plastic but decided if I started with all that work I would always do all that work. I’m in zone 6 so hopefully it will work out 😊 @columbiariver
Mid Autumn 2022

I tasted a few #figs last night. They were very mild flavor but edible 😀 I think I harvested a bit early and we have had a bit of rain lately so that could be why they weren’t too great. Still lots to learn 🙂
Mid Autumn 2022

My #figtree has given me 3 decent figs so far and even though the temps are dropping to the 40’s at night it is still trying to ripen more 😃 I ate 2 figs last night with cheese and crackers and they were delicious 😋

Lovely. #gyo #eatyourgarden
Early Autumn 2022

It’s getting cold outside but my #figtree is ripening fruit 😍 It’s been very happy in the ground so far 🥰

My fig freezes back every winter and each year comes back bigger than the year before! Each year I get more figs too. I started a new plant by layering a limb on the ground, now I have another plant! It was fun, you should try it.

@Susanandsteve That’s awesome! It seems like everyone is layering now. I definitely have to try it. I’m debating insulation since that’s what a nursery about an hour from me does. He wraps the tree up tightly with insulation and then a plastic cover to keep it dry. Lots of work. I might try it. But it seems happy 😊

It’s a very easy plant to layer, and bigger trees do it naturally as they droop along the ground and root. How cold does it get where you are? We have a couple of large fig trees (definitely more than 5metres in height) and they seem to survive quite fine outside in uk winter, although I’m south so milder than it is in north of England
Mid Summer 2022

My #figcutting has gotten really big really fast 😃 I will overwinter it indoors and take more cuttings 🙂 #figtree #chicagohardyfigtree
Mid Summer 2022

#figs #figtree #fig-chicagohardy #chicagohardyfigtree #chicagohardy 🥰

Late Spring 2022

I finally got my #figtree in the ground 😃 I’m not sure I love it but it’s done. I figured the wall will help protect it during the winter. I sure hope it will survive. #fig-chicagohardy 🥰
Late Winter 2022

#figleaf #figleaves #babyfigleaves #figlove 🥰
Late Winter 2022

Another #adorable #figleaf #adorablefigleaf #babyleaf 😍🥰💕
Early Winter 2021

#fig-chicagohardy #fig #newgrowth 🥰
Early Winter 2021

I successfully propagated 3 if 5 #figcuttings 🥰 We have #roots 🥳 #rootedcuttings #fig #fig-chicagohardy 💕


How long did it take until u saw new growth

@gjones @kelsey92 About 8 weeks

Great news 👍🏼

Last winter I was successful in rooting 1 out of 6 fig cuttings inside. The other 5 leafed out and came back to life later that summer mixed into Woodchips around my yard.
Late Autumn 2021

I didn't kill my #figtree 🥳 #signsoflife 🥰

That's good.

Yay!"👏 I did, last year... 🤣

I have mine in my greenhouse for the winter time.

That's great 😊 I would love a greenhouse someday. For now I just pack everything into my room 🙃 @kelsey92

The amish from arthur illinois built it for me.

@kelsey92 That's awesome
Mid Autumn 2021

So I slaughtered my #figtree today and discovered that I really need better tools 😬 Christmas is coming. Does anybody have any good recommendations? As my trees get bigger, my tools need to get bigger 🤔 #fig-chicagohardy

😲 is it still alive.

We will find out soon @charlotte

@Dragon_Warrior I swear by Felco pruners. They are an investment when you first buy them but they last forever! You can even order replacement blades and other parts. I have a pair of hand pruners that I bought close to 20 years ago and they are still going strong. I have replaced the blade and the spring and they are like new again!!

@cheriej Thank you! Sounds like what I want 😊 Merry Christmas to me lol 😆

I agree, felco. Mine is 15 years old and I wouldn’t garden without it. @cheriej @Dragon_Warrior
Mid Summer 2021

#figleaf 🥰
Early Summer 2021

I think these are mealybugs on my #figtree 🤔 I hear alcohol works. There are way too many critters popping up everywhere 🙄 I miss the snow.

Possibly #woollyaphid ?

@Dragon_Warrior Yes, definitely Woolley aphids. They are so gross, but pretty easy to kill. I put on rubber gloves and get a large cotton ball and alcohol and clean them off.

I never had any of these on mine at all.

Mine is doing great outside.

@cheriej Thank you 😊 It sounds like they are less harmful than mealybugs. I have lots of work to do. Seems like my plants are getting attacked by everything at once 😬

@kelsey92 That's great! Just keep checking it for any changes. If you catch problems early it won't hurt your plant too much.

I only had spidermites that's all.
Early Summer 2021

My #figtree is getting huge 😳😍😊 #fig-chicagohardy

I got mine outside now.

Late Summer 2020

Does anyone know why my #figs won't ripen properly? This is the 3rd that wrinkles and falls off before changing color. And they are supposed to be firm not soggy, right? #fig #help #figproblem #fighelp 😟

There are fig growing forums you could consult, such as

@cyndi @sushiwaitress Thanks. I have joined lots of fig groups on Facebook, like What The Fig, but I've been too busy lately. I'll have to look into it more. It might also need repotted as it's grown a lot in a short time. It also might have too many figs. I tried plucking off some of the tiny ones but it bleeds and I feel like I'm hurting it, lol 🥴 I have decided to plant it outside next spring since it's getting so big. And now I figure I will be able to take cuttings if I move.

@cyndi Ok, will do. Just not tonight. I need to sleep 💤 😴 I'll post a pic tomorrow

A fig is not normally ripe when it's firm , truly ripe they will be pretty soft. Did you open it? Have you tasted it? It could just be very ripe

How often do you water figs? Every 10 days to 2 weeks Figs don't like wet feet, so don't water too often. Allow the tree to dry a bit between watering. Remember to water slowly and deeply; just don't overwater. Every 10 days to 2 weeks is sufficient.

@kelsey92 I check with my finger often as you should never let a fig dry out. But don't water too often. It is fairly sensitive to watering but if you pay attention, it will let you know if something is wrong. Then it's back to Google, lol 😆

I put worm castings in my soil mix for fertilizer. I like organic. This is what my professor does with her chicago hardy fig starter tree.

@kelsey92 That sounds like a great plan 🙂 @Dragon_Warrior

R u getting any little spider mites on your chicago hardy fig tree.

@kelsey92 I have in the past but not right now. I have other plants that they prefer. There are several different methods to eradicate spider mites and I have tried most. The best way is to use a combination of methods every 3 days and keep it up for way longer than you think you have to because it will look like they are gone but the next generation will pop up and continue to breed more. Hope that helps.
Late Spring 2020

I discovered two new #babyleaves on my #figtree 😁 #toocute #figleaf #fig-chicagohardy #fig #figs #new-leaves #newgrowth 😍 💕
Late Spring 2020

Baby #figs 😋🥳💕 #fig-chicagohardy #fig #figtree
Late Spring 2020

Unfortunately this was the best photo I could get. But look, I have baby #figs 😍 Such a cool plant 💕 #figtree #fig-chicagohardy
Mid Spring 2020

Another baby #figleaf 😍 It's just too cute 💕 #fig-chicagohardy

#macro 📷👌👌

@shaz831 Thanks for the tag 💕
Early Spring 2020

#fig #figtree #figleaf 😍🥰💕

Yay! It's starting!

This is a really good pic 💚
Early Spring 2020

My #figtree is still alive 🥳 #fig #fig-chicagohardy 🥰

Where are you at? Mine hasn’t soon any signs of life yet. Not sure if it is to early yet or if it died over the winter.

@ambitiouswolf I'm in Connecticut but I have it potted indoors. I had pest problems and it didn't look good at all. Then all of a sudden it's back and I'm giving it more light now 🥰

Ok. I’m is outside. It did good out there last year. But this was it’s first winter. It might still be to early. I will just have to wait and see. Thank you

@ambitiouswolf Don't give up on it yet. Give it time to warm up 🙂 💕
Late Summer 2019

I have a beautiful #figtree 😍 I couldn't be happier with the condition 😀💕🤪💕😛
Last year I didn’t provide any protection for my #figtree and it died back to the ground. It grew back nicely last year but didn’t have time to produce fruit. This year I’m at least attempting a sheet and hoping that will be enough to keep it alive. I have seen people use string lights to keep the temperature up. Has anyone tried that? Any recommendations? #winterprotection #fig-chicagohardy