Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious'
Apple 'Golden Delicious'
Early Autumn 2022
- 7
Mid Spring 2022
- 3
Early Spring 2022
- 1
Early Spring 2022
- 3
Mid Spring 2021
- 2
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 2
Late Autumn 2019
- 5
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 2

Malus domestica 'Golden Delicious'
Early Autumn 2022
Mid Spring 2022

This might become my very first #apple 🥳 🍎🥰 #goldendelicious #appletree 💕


@columbiariver @sushiwaitress I’m super excited 😃 I think it was pollinated at the nursery before I got it because the tree that it was supposed to pollinate hasn’t even leafed out yet. I tried to collect a little pollen so I can try hand pollinate my other apple tree when its ready.
Early Spring 2022

I got my #appletree planted 😍 #apple #goldendelicious #yellowdelicious 🍎🥰
Early Spring 2022

My gorgeous new #appletree #goldendelicious 😍 Just loaded with #blooms 🥰


I even remembered to bring it back inside since we have a few freezing nights left 😊
Mid Spring 2021

My first #appletree #grownfromseed #goldendelicious #applelove 🥰

#yum #101uses
Early Spring 2021

My first #appletree #grownfromseed living happily in #myyard 🥰😍💕
Mid Spring 2020

I finally planted my #goldendelicious #appletree outside 😀 I did the best I could with the insane amount of rocks in the soil. I added some #trifectaplus 🥰 I sure hope it survives out there. I'm still waiting on my tree support. Hopefully it will be here soon 💕🍎 #gyo #grownfromseed

#fastgrower #outgrewthepotfast
Late Autumn 2019

#goldendelicious #appletree 😍😋💕

Nice, did u start it?

@Flicka Thanks! Yes, I did 😁

Wow nice! Was it hard?

@Flicka Not really. I just hope it will survive. I lost my apricot suddenly and it was bigger than this. Just have to keep trying 🙂
Mid Autumn 2019

#goldendelicious #appletree #seedling 🍎 🥰
Mid Autumn 2019

These are my favorite #apples 😍 I hope this one works 🍎💕

#appletree #goldendelicious #seedling
My #appletree #goldendelicious #split 😟 I tried to hold it back up but I’m not sure if I should. Maybe that was God’s way of pruning since I haven’t gotten to it yet. Maybe I should just take it off. It’s the central leader so it’s not what they say to do. But it will provide more airflow in the middle. Advice anyone? If I try to heal it, I will get some grafting tape. Ideas???
Zero ideas from me. Sorry
I don’t think it will heal well enough to become strong in that area. I would make a clean cut right below the split. It’s still small enough I think that next lower branch could take over as a central leader. @Dragon_Warrior
I agree with Cherie @cherie, it should be fine. When I worked at a fruit tree farm we would cut/prune the young trees to about 4ft high. Just lopped them off with pruners. That would create the trunk and it would branch from there.
@cheriej @lesliecole49 @novicegardenlover Thank you 😊 I think you’re right. I probably couldn’t save it. That’s just my natural reaction. I should try to root it instead 😃 I need to do some serious pruning this fall. I was considering summer pruning but that never happened. I need to be brave and start chopping lol. I will get there 🙂
Do some air layers
I would agree also with @cheriej - that next branch below would take over as leader. As it grows taller you should hopefully hardly notice as the kink will grow out a little and it will branch more. Are you growing it as a tree shape or was you planning to keep it like an espalier or other shape?