Malus domestica
Mid Summer 2020
- 6
Mid Spring 2020
- 6
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Autumn 2019
- 6

Malus domestica
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Spring 2020

I put an #appletree #seedling outside because of fungus gnats and it still decided to live 💕 Go little apple tree 🌳 🍎 😍

I did apple seeds this year as well 😁👍

I love apple trees 🌳 🍎 💕 @ublaszko

Me too! I read that they don't grow true from seed but I'm hoping for beautiful apple blossom.

@ublaszko Yes, I don't know if they will will fruit and if they do they could be terrible. But, they are growing well for me and they are lots of fun 🤪

That's exactly what I was thinking! Just a fun little project to see what happens and any blossom will be a bonus 😊
Mid Autumn 2019

I got too impatient and got the seed off but I might have torn a bit of the leaf. It still looks ok so far so maybe it will survive 🙂🍎💕 #apple #appletree #seedling
Early Autumn 2019

My #apple #seedling is struggling. Do I help it or leave it?

If you think it needs help, gently with your nails pry the seed casing open. Don’t try to pull it off, try to get the casing to snap in half then lift the halves away. After that, check/watch to see if the two leaves are stuck together. There sometimes will be with a papery, nearly invisible membrane that when dry, is almost like glue. And just know that you may break it. But if it is stuck in there, its not going to make it anyway, so you can say you tried. 🍀

@heelerpup I'm nervous that I'll break it, but I might give it a try. Right now I'm just trying to keep the seed wet and giving it light. Thanks for the advice 💕

The leaves inside look like they’re wrinkled, so if it is stuck, I think that’s why. But it looks like it might do it on it’s own. I would also make sure it’s warmer to encourage quicker growth till it pops off too. Good luck! 🍀 I’m probably going to start my seeds tonight myself 😯

@heelerpup I tried to help it, but the shell is too slippery. I stopped so I wouldn't cause more damage. Hopefully, it will be ok. Best of luck with yours 🙂

@cyndi Thanks! I hope so 💕
#appletree #seedling #lemonade #lemonadeappletree 🍎💕
What variety is this apple tree
@Dragon_Warrior since I got only 1 dwarf honeycrisp apple tree. Can u tell if I need another one in a different kind of a dwarf apple tree.
@yogi2 It's a Lemonade apple tree 🌳 But I recommend buying grafted trees that are one to 2 years old. They have much better rootstock. I have trees that I have grown from seed that are hardy and living but the have a very weak trunk. And it may not produce fruit.
@Dragon_Warrior i had my professor from the college. To order me a dwarf honeycrisp apple tree on the website
Ok cool. I haven't shopped with them yet because they don't offer free shipping, lol. But I probably will because it looks like they have a good variety of fruit trees. I got my apple tree from and it has been great so far. I got my apricot tree and bing cherry from home depot which were really from and they are great as well