Plum Tree
Early Autumn 2020
- 5
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Late Winter 2020
- 4
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 7

Early Autumn 2020
Mid Spring 2020

I repotted my #plum or #plumcot today 😍
Late Winter 2020

My tiny #plumtree or #plumcottree is also a #survivor of our fungus gnat infestation 🥰

If I remember correctly...I think I cracked the outer shell and removed the seed. Then put in damp paper towel and put in plastic bag and put in my bathroom cabinet. Checked every other day for germination and continued as with other seeds @cyndi

@cyndi Just keep trying till you get one. You can do it 🙂

You are very welcome. I'm glad I could help you for a change 😁
Late Autumn 2019

#plumcot 🥰
Mid Autumn 2019

#plumtree or #plumcot 😛 💕


Are plumcots genetically stable? Like, would their seed produce plumcots, or would it revert back to one or the other, or maybe even be something new? Still a cross between the two, but not be the same as the fruit it was saved from? 🤔

@heelerpup I'm not really sure what would happen. But I do know there are many other varieties of the cross. There are Pluots. They are more plum than apricot. There are Apriums which I think are more Apricot, but I haven't had one yet. So whatever happens should be cool and fun to find out 😁

@brenhaas Yes! It is magic 🥰 It's super exciting to watch 💕

Very cool 😎

@dinaautore Thanks!I'm excited 😁 I hope it works 💕
My #plum or #plumcot preparing to hibernate in the garage 😁
I have one dwarf honeycrisp apple tree that I just planted on Saturday afternoon.
@yogi2 I saw it 🙂 It looks great! I love trees 🥰
@yogi2 I planted this tree from a seed so it may never produce fruit but I love it 😁
Probably u need another one to pollinate