Vaccinium corymbosum 'Patriot'
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2020

My 3rd attempt at #blueberries is here 😍 #blueberrybush #blueberrypatriot #blueberry #gyo #3rdtry #blueberry-help 🥰 💕

Good luck! Plant it in ericaceous compost 😊

@ublaszko Thanks 😊 I either need to buy some or create some. I only have regular potting soil at the moment. I'm even scared to water it at the moment. I have to test the soil and water first 🙃

@jameswestly Thanks! I like the rain water idea and I think I even have some 😁 I'm planning on keeping it in a pot because I move too much and I fear leaving my plants. I may have to plant it out if it gets too big someday but I haven't seen that day yet, lol 😆 I'll keep trying until I get it right. Thanks for the advice 💕

See if you can get some ericaceous compost on Amazon as it won't do well in normal potting compost. They need soil ph 4.3 to 5.5, same as rhododendrons. ☺ Use rain water and if there's drought you can occasionally use tap water but let it stand for 24 hours and don't use the last inch of it from the bottom. Pine needles decompose too slowly to affect soil pH so they're mainly good for suppressing weeds. Don't use manure as manure is alkaline and too rich to be used in potted plants. ☺

@ublaszko I'm struggling with finding acid loving soil that is available right now 😔 But I can get soil acidifier 🤔 Or I keep searching. I have a cheap soil tester probe thing and I'm not sure it works. If it does than the soil it's in now is 7 😬 Thanks for the info. I'll continue to learn and search 😏

Try Googling buy acid soil and see if any local shops might be able to deliver it. I found it difficult to buy compost when the lockdown started but eventually I found an online supplier and bought 75 L of ericaceous compost. It took 3 weeks to deliver it but at least it will last for a couple of months. I've never tried soil acidier. I think I read that people use Epsom salts to lower soil pH but you have to be careful as too much of chlorides will lead to ion toxicity. ☺

So lovely
I decided to plant my #blueberry #blueberrybush #blueberrypatriot in the front yard next to the blue hydrangeas. Now I need 3 more, lol 😆 😁 💕