Torenia fournieri
Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
- 3
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Early Summer 2017
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Torenia fournieri
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

#torenia growing lots! #augustgarden2017

Haven't seen before. Awesome!

How cute I'm like ofthought I haven't seen them but they r on my wishlist! Did you grow them from seed?? I'll have to keep an eye out for them. They hopefully will grow here in San Antonio but y'all do get a lot more rain but it's fun to try new flowers!!!!

Bought the plant, but it reseeds itself so it's getting bigger! And I am collecting the seeds now little by little. I'm sure they willl do fine in San Antonio as long as you give them some shade during the day. The plant is up to zone 11 so I'm sure it'll be fine! I have mine under my oak tree so it is protected from rain a little! Yes very fun, I love trying all kinds of new flowers! @terrimclaughlin

I'm collecting seeds from this baby little by little if you want some seeds from this baby @jennlamaye

Love love love ❤️ yes please!!

@terrimclaughlin would you like some seeds? Are you in the fall swap? If not email me your address and I can send you some!
Mid Summer 2017

#dewdrops #augustgarden2017 #torenia
Does anybody have any experience saving #torenia #seeds? I get about one pod with seeds if I'm lucky...I can't catch them before they open and I check on them daily. So today I saved some that the flowers were about to fall off and let them dry out and see if I have better luck. I have a good bit of orders to fill for these seeds and I'm not having any luck! #seedadvice appreciated!!! Seeds so tiny if that's actually them
Keep us posted
@drea0508, these are tough to catch! Wait for the pod to start turning yellow but before it's brown, there's a very small window where the seed pod is "ready to pop" and "popped"! Check out the pods every day, watch closely and then they'll begin to change color and dry a bit, carefully look inside and there'll be a tiny seed pod fat with even tinier little white seeds. I'll try to get a picture of one of mine for a reference for you. Hope this helps. :)
Only thing I'd do differently is let the seeds sit on the plate for a day or two to make sure they are fully dry before putting in a bag.
Thanks for the great info...I check daily so maybe twice a day...these little suckers are hard to catch before they burst open! And I need them!!!! @jennlamaye @cyndi @Ashley74 @momasherri
Tough to catch is right. It doesn't even look like pods turn yellow. I check twice a day and collected seeds from only one pod. Getting discouraged with this little plant but I need the seeds! 🤔 @Ashley74 @cyndi @jennlamaye @momasherri
Tiny netted bags? Where would I find these? @cyndi
@drea0508 ,I know what you mean, torenia is very frustrating! It took me forever to get the hang of catching this flowers seeds before they burst open! If you don't catch them let me know, I'm saving seed also from the yellow, dark purple, light purple and pink this season and I'll send you some if you want. My yard is full of torenia! ♡
Awh yes I would love some yellow and pink...I don't have those! @Ashley74 that would be awesome! So sweet of you!
Drop me your address, here's my email :)
Will look at Walmart sewing thank you @cyndi