Zinnia elegans 'Purple Prince'
Zinnia 'Purple Prince'
Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2017
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Zinnia elegans 'Purple Prince'
Late Summer 2017
Late Summer 2017

Didn't plant any #zinnia seeds!!! And they are popping up everywhere! #selfseed #septembergarden2017

I planted some last year and found them everywhere this year but where I had planted them! I gathered several up and replanted them in an old decaying stump where they are thriving. @drea0508 @cyndi

They're so cheery

Looks more Pink 😊
Late Summer 2017

What are these spots on the leaves of my zinnias, anyone know please? #zinnias #pink #beforethestorm #augustgarden2017

Looks like rust. My snapdragons get that. "Pick or prune away any affected leaves as soon as you see them. Of course, do this only if there are a small number of sickly leaves. You don’t want to remove too much foliage or you could harm the plant."

"If these good gardening practices aren’t enough to control the rust in your garden, try a product that contains a sulfur or copper fungicide, or use sulfur dust or Neem oil. "

Make sure you disinfect all your tools with a bleach solution.

Great advice...thank you so much!!!! @jennlamaye
#macro #zinnia