Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) 'Artic Breeze' syn. Begonia rex 'Artic Breeze', Begonia rex 'Arctic Breeze'
Rex Begonia 'Artic Breeze'
Early Summer 2022
- 2
Mid Summer 2021
- 3
Mid Summer 2021
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 4
Late Autumn 2017
- 3

Begonia (Rex Cultorum Group) 'Artic Breeze' syn. Begonia rex 'Artic Breeze', Begonia rex 'Arctic Breeze'
Early Summer 2022
Mid Summer 2021
Mid Summer 2021

14Jun21. #begonia pinkish #silver #foliage . I love this begonia. It's quite sturdy. Don't know the name of the cultivar. Anyone can help? #plantid

@docthrill do you know this begonia?

Begonia Arctic Frost, very had to find, bravo 👏

@docthrill thank you so much for putting a name to my favorite begonia. While searching for this name, I am also getting 'arctic breeze'. Are they same? They seem to be slightly different than mine. I inherited this plant from my mom. It's her memory. @lesliecole49

Yes there the same Arctic Breeze

Late Spring 2017

24Jun17. #begonia

Really interested to see this one blooming!

This is nice

When does it bloom? I would like to see it also. My first gtags post was a begonia that I won at a Mother's day function in May 2016. It was in bloom then and has never stopped since. I have it inside. I could put it out during the summer but then it would probably go dormant in the winter. Why mess with perfection? I give it lots of plant food to keep it's strength up and deadhead the blooms. Looking forward to seeing yours flower.🤗
Late Autumn 2017

This a trailing begonia with attractive silvery foliage and tiny light pink scanty flowers. Makes a nice hanging plant. Can anyone identify the cultivar?

@gjones they do grow year-round in Mumbai, but we do have to save them from root rot in monsoon rains!

19May22. Looking quite different! #begonia
Stunning! 💘😍