Passiflora Incarnata
Purple Passion Flower
Early Summer 2018
- 9
Mid Summer 2017
- 11
Early Spring 2017
- 14
Early Spring 2017
- 17

Passiflora Incarnata
Early Summer 2018
Mid Summer 2017

25Jun17. #purple #fragrant #passionflower @plants


Wow Uma what a stunning flower 💜💜💜

It seems to like the rains @MelanieAt @Keely @gjones @columbiariver

This plant always amazes me when I see a photo of it. Yours are no less amazing 🤗



How long did your plant take to flower ma'am. Again, I am impatient with my 3 month old cutting. 🙄

I feel it's too young to flower yet.. have patience @somnathsarkar

Thank you ma'am

Those are so cool looking so much detail Mother Nature was so creative
Early Spring 2017

#purple #passionflower

that's gorgeous 😚

Is that a climbing flower?

Yes, I am amazed with its beauty really! @gjones @charlottejhurst @Jasonsparkes1

Yes Carl it's a climber. New growth carries flowers. @spyder1980

Great pic 😊

A little beauty 💜

Absolutely gorgeous 😍

I planted some seeds I saved from the wild vine I found here. It'll be great if they grow


Wow! 👍🏼💜💛💜

Ooh lovely! 😀
Early Spring 2017

Spectacular #purple #passionflower. Very #fragrant! 26 March 2017.

Amazing! Never seen one before 💜💜💜

Stunning ! 👌

Nice close up 🤗

#stunning #unapologetic #upclose #macro #purpleflowers

WOW! A beauty.

My seeds still have not sprouted😕

Thanks everyone, this vine is in a large pot. Earlier a red passion flower died on me, but this one is thriving. I have had this for

Contd.. last two years. It's never flowered around this time. No complaints though! @christineb @mehul22 @purplebird @KariSamuel @lovestogarden @gjones @spyder1980

It's gorgeous Uma 👌🏼💜

I didn't realize that passion flowers could be cultivated until I came on garden tags. I always thought they were beautiful wildflowers. I have a wild one on my property I think I'll try to dig up and move, or maybe garden around it

No Glyn and Katie @gjones, I bought it as a plant.
11Apr18. #purple #passionflower #passiflora #fragrance Divine fragrance
Wow is Mother Nature fabulous! 💜💜💜
That’s beautiful 💜
@drumadixit Uma it’s beautiful 😍
These flowers are so complicated, amazing
Hi uma my passiflora plant is dying what to do?
Sensational 😍