Echeveria Dark Ice
Echeveria 'Dark Ice'
Mid Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 10
Late Winter 2018
- 14

Echeveria Dark Ice
Mid Spring 2019
Late Spring 2018

My Dark Ice got a new pot today! #darkice #echeveria #succulent #newpot

It looks so beautiful and photogenic!



Mid Spring 2018

I’m getting worried about my Hercules! It’s been under the same grow light for 8 months and now it looks like it’s getting sunburn. It’s not a strong light! I don’t know what’s going on in the center. There’s no marks on the outer leaves. Is it getting sick? Is it not sunburn? I moved it outside to a shady but brightly lit spot for today. #succulenthelp #sickplant #help #plant-help

@Yollymac @KelsiBriana @Muzz67 any ideas? I’m curious what’s happening too

My plants have done this with hidden mealy in the rosette. I thought it was sunburn too.

Also Amy, I think you have a dark ice here. They are often mis sold as Hercules. 😍

Wow! You’re right! Thank you! It always looked a little different than a Hercules! And I don’t see any evidence of a mealybug infestation yet, besides these marks, and they’re not on the inner leaves so perhaps it happened months ago and it has remedied. It’s really hard to check btw the leaves though! I’ll keep watching for signs. I’m scared to put alcohol on the plant because it makes the powder go away! @Yollymac

I understand. I have found some pesticides don’t and it makes the poison systemic which is good for bugs you can’t see. But keep an eye anyway. I love this plant it’s beautiful!! 😍

Which pesticides do you recommend? I’m dealing with a mealybug breakout in my other grow room. @Yollymac

Ahh damn Amy! It’s hard as the products aren’t in the USA than is here. I will get back to you.

@KelsiBriana the temp in my kitchen has only risen by maybe 5 degrees recently. It’s gotten hotter outside but the kitchen is usually between 71-76 degrees.

Ok so to give some history on my recommendation as some are dead set against it - I have tried alcohol, neem oil and nothing stopped the verocity of the mealybug infestation I was facing. My plants are all outside and we live on a farm. If makes it hard. If your plants are outside always remove flowers so you don’t kill bees ok. So the product and the only product I have found that has stopped them in their tracks is called Confidor by Yates here. The active ingredient is called Imidacloprid.
Late Winter 2018

Hercules is looking stunning these days!


Hercules is up there with my favourites- you have a beautiful specimen!

Wow, she looks absolutely amazing! 💙❤

Gorgeous! 👍😍

wow these colors are dreamy!🖤


Omg, this is amazing!

@BetteMcD this poor thing has gone through so much since this photo! After I accidentally poisoned it from a pesticide I tried, I beheaded it, propagated many babies, and every time the head starts to look better it gets mealybugs. 😫 @BetteMcD

@ecoami That's so sad! I came across it because I ordered one and wanted to see a mature one. It was gorgeous!

@BetteMcD it’s definitely a beaut! I used to think it was a Hercules but someone on here informed me it was a dark ice.
My giant dark ice passed away but I have a few babies from her. I’m hoping this little one will grow a lot this summer while it’s outside.