Mandevilla x amabilis 'Alice du Pont'
Mandevilla 'Alice du Pont'
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2017
- 6

Mandevilla x amabilis 'Alice du Pont'
Early Summer 2019
Late Winter 2019

My Mandevilla overwintering in my living room. It was infested with scale and aphids and I’ve barely got it under control now. Every time it gets a new sprout it has aphids on it despite all the wiping and spraying I do at least once a week. Come on spring! I need to get this outside! #overwinter #mandevilla #aphids #scale
Mid Spring 2018

Since we’re finally in the clear of frosts I repotted and brought out my mandevilla from its overwintering spot inside! #nomorefrost #overwinter #mandevilla #climbingplant
Early Autumn 2017

I dug up my mandevilla yesterday so I could pot it for the winter. We're expecting frosts this week so I didn't want to risk losing it. It wouldn't make it through the winter. It's sad because it was so pretty growing on the railings! This picture was right before I hacked it. #mandevilla #overwinter

@cyndi do you think my Mandevilla will make it through our winters? Or should I do the same as Ami here?

I just took some cuttings and potted them up....i hope they take. @cyndi

I don't have one. @cyndi

Should I get some? @cyndi I think my mom might have some.

Thank you! Yes #greenthumbscrossed
My mandevilla is in full bloom! I’ve been bringing it in for the winter for a few years now. I fought aphids all last winter and there’s zero signs of it this summer for the first time ever! I put a lot of lacewing eggs on it and there’s been many praying mantises around. There’s a tiny baby one in this pic! #mandevilla