So proud of my new oxalis! I found it in a nursery on my birthday about a month ago. It was 1/3rd of this size and it looked sad. I brought it home, repotted it, and gave it even waterings and bright indirect light and it is thriving so much that it flowers all the time now! #oxalistriangularis #houseplant #edibleplants #floweringhouseplant #oxalis
So proud of my new oxalis! I found it in a nursery on my birthday about a month ago. It was 1/3rd of this size and it looked sad. I brought it home, repotted it, and gave it even waterings and bright indirect light and it is thriving so much that it flowers all the time now! #oxalistriangularis #houseplant #edibleplants #floweringhouseplant #oxalis
You're doing an amazing job. This plant is gorgeous. 😍
Oxalis are so easy and endlessly pretty
@savannahssucculentgarden thanks!!
@lesliecole49 they really are easy! Such satisfying plants! 🍀