Rosa 'Albertine'
Rose 'Albertine'
Late Spring 2017
- 7
Late Spring 2017
- 7
Early Spring 2017
- 18
Late Spring 2016
- 4

Rosa 'Albertine'
Late Spring 2017
Late Spring 2017

I'm very happy 🌹 This is my beautiful Rose 'Albertine' cutting from last year. It's budding 😆 #rose #pink #cutting

Beautiful 💕

How lovely you clever girl😀👏👏

Super to see!

That's beautiful, love the colour of that leaf :) I've never grown something from a cutting before, is it very difficult?


I took four cuttings @juffertje-in-het-groen and two have grown rally well. Give it a go 👍🏻
Early Spring 2017

Morning everyone 👋🏻 Hope you all have a lovely Sunday planned? I will be pottering in the sunshine ☀️ This photo may not be so beautiful but it makes me very happy! Two Rose Albertine cuttings that haven rooted really well! I bought Albertine in memory of my Uncle Albert who sparked my interest in gardening when I was 'knee high to a grasshopper' 😂 One will be for my Mum & the other for my Aunty 👍🏻🌹 #rose #cuttings

Lovely! Morning Ellen.

What a lovely idea! Plants really can have meaning ☺️

Looks very healthy and nice picture by the way 😊

Morning Ellen, what a lovely, heartfelt gesture 😍😍😍

What an absolute gorgeous plant the scent is delicious a definite favourite of mine your mum and aunt are very lucky ladies 💕@ellenmarygardening

Yay 👌🏻

#memory #albertine #rose-propagation

Great success!!

That's brilliant, I can never get a rose to take 👏👏(you are a pro tho 😂)

Morning Ellen ☀️ that's great! 👍🏼👏🏼 love having sentimental plants around 🌹

What a lovely thing to do! 😊 I have several what I call "memory plants" in my garden.
Late Spring 2016

This is Rose Albertine. I bought it after my Uncle Albert who was my inspiration for gardening as a kid. He loved his narigolds 😂 Fitting it bloomed on his birthday. 😊👍🏻 🌹 #rose #pink

How lovely 🌹

Lovely Rose so nice that it flowered on his Birthday 🐝

Lovely 👍🌿🐝🌸
Rose Albertine - thorns sharper than sharp but the flower!!! It's a lovely rambling rose full of pretty I bought it in memory of my Uncle Albert who sparked my interest in gardening as a child 💖💕#rose #pink
A beautiful rose Ellen, and a lovely memory 💖💕💖
Very pretty💕
Beautiful colour, I think I have rambling rose too, was talking to my hubby today as I'm never sure that I'm training it properly, advice please or a big pic of yours to see if I'm totally wrong!
@titchyfra mine is growing with/through a clematis so they kind of support each other up the wall. It's properly rambling rather than being trained! My wisteria is being trained with horizontal wire up the wall. If I can get a decent photo I'll let you know! Post one of yours 👍🏻
Thanks will do 👍