Rosa rugosa 'Alba'
Rose 'White rugosa'
Late Spring 2017
- 5
Mid Autumn 2016
- 2
Early Autumn 2016
- 12

Rosa rugosa 'Alba'
Late Spring 2017
Mid Autumn 2016

Look at those hips!! 😆🌹❤️ #rosehip #rosehips #rose #hips #wildrose

Early Autumn 2016

Morning! It's Friiiiiiday 🙌 This rose has continued to flower for months. It also has the most beautifully big orange rose hips 😍 Equally sharp thorns so industrial gloves needed 😂 Have a great day 👍🏻 #rose #white

Good morning Ellen 🙋🏻

Morning Ellen have a good Friday 🙋

Morning Ellen, that's a cracker 😍 have a lovely day

Morning Ellen a pure beauty . Have a lovely day 👌

Morning Ellen 👏👏👍

Morning Ellen.......what a beauty. Enjoy your day @ellenmarygardening :)

Morning Ellen ☀️ gorgeous rose! 👌🏼have a lovely day 😊

Simply lovely!! #pure #longflowering #ouch #thorns #alba

Oh might have to pic your brain on rose hips , have a feeling you'd no good usage? Never had them before except foraging... What's a good all time use ? Thank you...

@brightcolours @rachelbrooks @flof1952 @latebloomer @juliesgarden @fuschia @christineb @Keely @yodamama thanks ladies! Hope you all had a lovely day 😊👍🏻

Hey @Naomi126126 are you after suggestions for roses with good hips? 🌹Rose hip tea made from wild rose hips is very good 👍🏻
Paper white flower of Rose Alba 😍 #stunning #rose #white #whiteflowers #mygarden
So pure 😍😍😍
🤗 can't wait for mine to bloom. That's such a clean crisp white 👌
Lovely ellenmary 💚pure and simple flower
Stunning Ellen 👌🏼