Tropaeolum majus
Late Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Beautiful red Nasturtium ❤️ Tasty in salads 😋 #red #nasturtium #edibleflowers

🐝utiful ❤️ Didn't realise there was a red variety, only seen orange before.

I've seeds that are supposed to be red before. But they're always orange.. Do you know what variety this is @ellenmarygardening ?😊

Never get a chance to put mine in salads, the caterpillars demolish them as fast as they grow lol

Empress of India is the name of this Nasturtium. Gorgeous colour.

That's gorgeous! I bought what were supposed to be dark red plugs this year, but they came out orange!

@carolineparr235 if you sow red & orange ones together they look stunning 👍🏻

@natart hmmm not sure but I will find the seed packet. Possibly Empress of India as @Pebs74 says 🤔😍

@pele yep they are perfect for growing by crops you don't want eaten because the caterpillars eat the nasturtiums instead!

@bigemrg I've heard so many people say that. I wonder why?! Can't all be about the retailer packaging them up wrong. Or maybe just everyone I know ordered from the same place 😳😬😉 Something to investigate I think!

Maybe we're all colour blind? lol 😀

There are many colours of nasturtiums. I grew Empress of India, Peach Melba,Dayglowing and the original orange colours. I've seen purple as well.'s the Nasturtiums - all self seeded from last year 👍🏻 All gorgeous, all edible & surprisingly all yet to be eaten by caterpillars 😂 #nasturtium #orange #yellow #red #edible
Lovely #collage 👍
Pretty collage 🌿
Lovely colours
Love them
Fab!! #grownfromseed #seedgrown #selfseeds