Rosa palustris
Swamp Rose
Late Winter 2022
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Early Winter 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 4
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 3
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 12
Early Spring 2021
- 7

Rosa palustris
Late Winter 2022
Early Winter 2021

Unplanted rose seeds finally freed from their casings
Early Winter 2021

Finally getting these seeds started. There's no room in the freezer so I plan to stratify them out on the deck...
Early Summer 2021

Looks terrible, am I right? Something gnawed off most of the leaves as soon as I planted this.

Hopefully it comes back stronger than ever next year!

@KariSamuel 🤞🤞🤞

😠 hate when that happens, I agree with Kari, though🤗
Early Summer 2021

Cuttings soaking in water, after a salutary dunking in rooting compound #fragrant
Early Summer 2021
Early Summer 2021

A snippet of the big patch of wild roses I see every day heading to and from work...Hoping to learn the exact name #plantid
Early Summer 2021

There is a great big patch of these between T. Mobile and Home Depot in Howell...There's now a big FOR SALE sign next to them so I am collecting seeds and getting some photos before the bulldozers arrive...I can smell these flowers from a long way off. They look more like rugosas than anything else but not exactly the same. They are #fragrant but not in a rugosa way. Any thoughts on the specie? #plantid

I always called them a dog rose... not sure that's what they are, tho

Looked it up and that is totally it, TY @lesliecole49 ! Rosa canina or Eglantine, mentioned in Shakespeare. Makes it even more of a must-have. It's listed as invasive but I love it enough to #makemebreakmyownrules

I have some growing wild in my fence lines. It's too tangled in amongst nearly a dozen other invasive vines and stuff to try to separate them out so I just enjoy what I do see. Glad we figured it out for you!

You might be able to find a bit of root if go 'root' around a bit. They take really easily

I went out there today and half killed myself digging up a single specimen @lesliecole49 -- the soil was waterlogged, heavy as lead and the base of the plant was totally intertwined with grass. BUT I GOT ONE that separated into two divisions. AND I took cuttings. AND I have some heps full of seeds. We are on our way!

@lesliecole49 one way to separate these out from other entanglements is to clip the other, unwanted plants off close to the ground and paint the cut face of each stem immediately with a "kills to the root" herbicide. Soon you will have only the plants you do want.

That doesn't kill the root of the plant you want to keep?

No, @lesliecole49 unless you accidentally paint the desired plant with the herbicide. You only want to paint the undesired ones.

Good idea but you have not seen my fence line! Not sure I could even find the root stem. The mass of vines on the fence is nearly as deep as my hand to my shoulder!

Well as long as the vine is the kind you want to get rid of, cutting and painting can get rid of enough to let you see where you're going next @lesliecole49

Not a bad idea but I think I'll leave it alone, I've enough to do keeping up with garden and house. It would take me forever to tackle it! Maybe 75-100 yards of fence and that's just one side. In other words, too much work
Early Spring 2021

FINALLY had the presence of mind to pull over and collect some of these heps. A large stand of roses spreads every year in the gulch between T.Mobile and Home Depot in Howell, Michigan. At a distance they all look like wild pink rugosas but when I came closer, some looked like a different specie. I could not reach the rugosas but got these heps from the other bushes. Hoping to start some of my own. Whatever they are, they bloom like crazy and attract zillions of pollinators.

That's great👍hope they bloom for you

I have started roses from seed in the past so my hopes are high @crabby58

Howell? I'm from the Cadillac/Manistee area before I moved to Tennessee

Yes, I work out of Howell. Half an hour east of Lansing.

I’ve been to Holland, Grand Rapids, Detroit and Flint. Michigan is beautiful and the Cherry pie.....😋 lol 😂

Everything you said is correct, @philstalder
The wind took the lid off my tray of stratifying rose seeds but they are perfectly moist and undamaged -- please oh please let them sprout! #seedstarting