Mid Summer 2018
Mid Spring 2018

@Yollymac This is one of the poorly plants, the other is even worse
I feel your pain, the same happened to me! I haven’t mastered the art of succulents yet!
There are too many succulent experts over here. I'm you will get advice from them
Mid Spring 2018

My Sempervivum ‘Query’ has been dying off. I put this down to not potting on after purchase. I’ve repotted the last remaining plant in very well drained compost, topped with stones to keep surface dry. Ongoing care for immediate future was to water once a week or once a fortnight and put in a well lit area. Is this okay? @Soph1e @yollymac

Did you water the plant during winter?

I’ve only had it about 3 weeks, bought it from RHS Cardiff Flower Show @Yollymac The others have rotted away but I definitely didn’t over water them and they weren’t sat in water or anything

Tell me why you think it’s dying off? It doesn’t look so bad from here..

I thought it was because they were too close together and because I didn’t put them in new pots straight away. @Yollymac I’ll put up a new photo of the ones that didn’t make it

This one looks healthy to me @Emma915Jones as for ongoing care, it may need more regular watering when the weather is really hot. At the moment once a week or when it rains should be fine. I'd imagine the rot could be that they were watered from above and water became trapped in between the leaves.
Nice pic♥️