Help me identify this plant! This was an old rescue from my grandma's house a few years ago. Look how healthy and full it is! Definitely not the shape I got it in! #plantrescue #plantid
Try this #birdsnestmammillaria #bromilaid see if u find anything that looks lol like it. I'm sorry I'm not much help but maybe these ladies might know @jennlamaye @terrimclaughlin @shelleysnyder @alovealoe @mikethegardner
Help me identify this plant! This was an old rescue from my grandma's house a few years ago. Look how healthy and full it is! Definitely not the shape I got it in! #plantrescue #plantid
A snake plant?
That's what I first thought but it never gets taller. It stays the same height and gets little baby pups
I'm betting it's a bird's nest snake. They only grow to about 7-8" tall max.
Try this #birdsnestmammillaria #bromilaid see if u find anything that looks lol like it. I'm sorry I'm not much help but maybe these ladies might know @jennlamaye @terrimclaughlin @shelleysnyder @alovealoe @mikethegardner
@emmajamorama @Acetaker this is a snake plant~sanservieria trifasciata~'hanii' you have one I've never see! It's really cool!!I love it!!💘😍
@ShelleySnyder is right....its also called a mother-in-law tongue! Lol 😂