Euonymus europaeus 'Red Cascade'
Spindle Tree 'Red Cascade'
Mid Summer 2020
- 2
Mid Autumn 2017
- 8

Euonymus europaeus 'Red Cascade'
Mid Summer 2020
Mid Autumn 2017

It doesn't look like much now @jacaranda, it more or less disappeared where I planted it, so glad I took a picture beforehand!

It looks pretty good to me, Mona 👍 It’s a wonderful addition to your garden and will become a beautiful tree. 😍 @emve

I was so happy it was still there, @jacaranda . I had actually decided against buying it on a previous visit, and I started regretting it the minute I got back to my car!

Been there done that!😁💘😍

I know @ShelleySnyder, happens all the time! I very rarely regret what I do buy, but there is always something that keeps calling my name after I go home...

The only plants I ever regret getting are garden thugs! Cuz I just don't have the room for plants that want to take over my yard! I may still like it but can't have it!😁💘😍

@ShelleySnyder somehow I missed this comment, so sorry about that! I have some thugs too, but I am ruthless with cutting down and moving things that don't behave the way I want to. Also, I have a natural wall of soft rotten rock, so anything over-enthusiastic usually gets much more subdued in that rather infertile and exposed location.

Oh I'm ruthless with cutting and such too! Some call me a plant abuser😂😂😂 but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!😂😂😂👍💘😍
This is the plan for today. I think. The spindle is clearly unhappy. No leaves at all this year, but when I scratch the bark, there’s green underneath, so perhaps all hope isn’t lost yet. I’ll put it in a pot and give it about a year in a more sheltered position to see if it will come around. (The leaves weaving through it are toad lilies)
Thanks @gjones, and hopefully yours will come back too. I didn’t actually get around to do the move today (story of my life - I get distracted and start doing all kinds of other things), but I’ll probably get the job done tomorrow. I think it might be too windy where it is, it’s the only thing I can think of that might be bothering it, so I’ll put it in a corner somewhere and hope for the best.